Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday is Golf Day and I suck at golf!

72 computers and 72 monitors for a total of 144 boxes arrived at the school yesterday. When it takes 5 people about a half an hour to unload the semi, it makes me feel like we will never get all of these dang computers unboxed and configured.

Life is buzzing along pretty quickly right now. The summer is getting close to the end and we have a bunch of stuff to do before school starts. The new teachers come back August 1 and we spend a half day with them training them on the technology systems. August 6th is registration which we are in charge of and it is no small task. All staff return August 15th and school starts August 22nd.

Little Molly and I are in a power stuggle right now. She is a stubborn little puppy and I am not letting her get her way. When I call her she just sits and looks at me. When she is outside and it is time to come in, I call her, and she just sits and looks at me. Normally I just let the little snot just sit outside and she can sit her stupid ass out there all night for all I care. When I hear her at the door barking, I let her in.

Last night it was my bedtime so I called her to go to her cage. She sat there, looked at me and strated to head down the basement. Ok, that was it. Now she is going to learn that if I have to come and get her, there is an ass kickin coming with me. I went and got her, spanked her little butt and put her in her cage. When she comes when I call she gets a hug and petted. She can be a naughty little puppy but that crap is going to end and it started last night!

I hope golf goes well tonight. I don't care if I play well, I just don't want to suck! Typically I do ok though so we will see how it goes tonight.

I did something to my right hand. I am not sure what but it has to be something with the computer. My right hand is aching and the finger that I use to tell people to FO, twiches like it is about to cramp. It really kind of hurts to use it with the mouse too much so I moved the mouse to my left and hand and have started to get the hang of it.

I think I am going to take some pictures this weekend and post to the site so check back.