Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday Smursday

I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Spring break starts tomorrow so the focus is getting through the day today. It has been a long week and it seems like I have only been home to sleep as of late. Monday was the track meet, Tuesday I taught class and didn't get home until after 9, and Wednesday I taught class and got home close to the same time. One more night of teaching class and I am done for the summer.

Drew went to the doctor yesterday because I noticed he hasn't been running or walking well over the last year. He is always on his toes and is just not right. He had a heal problem during football season and he just has never gotten better. The doctor said the bones are growing faster than the tendons so he has problems in the achilies area. He has to wear a brace at night to try to get the tendon to strech and match the bone length. The doc said it would have never corrected by itself so it was good he came in.

It looks like the weekend is going to be decent on the weather front so I will finally get a chance to get the yard cleaned up. We had a bunch of tree branches down from the big snow fall and I need to get my chainsaw out and cut it all up. I also need to take down my Christmas lights. (I know, what the hell have I been doing that they are still up...)

I ordered a quarter beef last month and it arrived this week. It will be nice having all of that available for BBQ as the weather gets better.

It doesn't seem like this post has anything interesting in it but that is kind of how my life has been lately.

ps - I plan to get some pictures up this weekend!