Thursday, March 1, 2007

More Snow!

It seems that we are going to get another snow storm. Last weekend we got a little over 8 inches of snow and a nice layer of ice below so it was a real mess. The streets are finally getting back to normal and the weather report is for more snow today and tomorrow. Currently our last day of school is June 4th. I hope we don't get any more snow days to push that back even further.

Jessica had a nice birthday yesterday. She started her day going to school early to lift weights. She is required to do that three days a week for track. She also has wieght lifting class three days a week in school so she is on her way to being Mrs. Atlas. Anyway, I took her to lunch at Breaduex pizza. They had a buffet and it was awesome. Since it was a weeknight and I had taken her to lunch we plan to have a birthday dinner sometime this weekend.

Drew has a basketball tournament this weekend. This is the one that got snowed out last weekend so we are hoping the weather improves so we can play our games Friday. I asked Drew if he wanted me to take him to lunch in December for his birthday and he said he would rather eat lunch with his friends at school. Nice! Picture me choking him like Home Simpson does to Bart.

I teach class tonight so I am hoping the weather holds off so I can have the class. I don't want to extend it another week. Work has been busy as usual. I seem to have too much work and not enough time. Once I am done teaching class and coaching it should help. It will free up some night for me to get caught up on work -- How sucky is that.

Miss you all.