Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Short Week

The end of the school year is winding down. We still have a bit to go but at least this is a short week. Drew has a game tonight. Both of the kids have games on Friday and Jess has a game on Thursday. I think there may be a tournament on Saturday.

We have a new puppy! Her name is Molly and she is a 12 week old miniature schnauzer. She is a cutie and I would post some pics of her but I can't find the stupid USB cable for the camera. UGH!

The weekend was good. I did a bunch of yard work and it was long overdue. It was graduation weekend so Jess had some parties to attend. I personally don't like that sort of thing but will have to endure the events when my kids graduate.

I have a couple of meetings today that I really do not want to attend. I am at the point that I just want to sit in my office and do my work without having to meet with anyone or see anyone except Nancy. She is good for me, she helps get me out of grouchy moods. Not that I am grouchy very often but ocassionally, it happens.

I am ready for the school year to be done!