The weather continues to be awesome! I saw the 7 day forecast and it reminds me of being in California. Sunny everyday and highs in the upper 70's or low 80's. In the 50's at night. It is perfect.
Class went well last night. Teaching the office package (Word, Excel, etc.) is kind of a bore and it seems to go slow but we got through it last night. I gave them their first test of the year, I guess I will see how they did when I grade it later this week.
Drew's team lost their football game 12-0 last night. Jess's volleyball team won their match in three games.
Jess got a letter in the mail from the University of Minnesota track program. They want her to fill out a form and send it back to them. They won the Big 10 championship the last three years so they have a strong program. It is pretty cool that she has a school like that interested in her. We are going to get it filled out and see what happens.
It is homecoming week and today is volunteer day. The high school pretty much takes today off and the students are on volunteer teams that are lead by a staff member and they are assigned a project of some kind. Everyday is a party during homecoming week.
Work is ok, we are constant but not overwhelmed which is a nice change. I have a lot of little things to do but none of them are urgent and making me worry about getting it done.
Here is a very realistic scenario that makes me crazy:
A call comes in and says a teacher has a lab full of kids (25 or so) and none of them can login. The class is at a standstill and they kids are starting to act up. The teacher is frustrated and freaking out.
At the same time, the business office calls and says their fax machine isn't sending faxes out and they have purchase orders that HAVE to go out in the next hour to meet an order deadline.
At the same time another call comes in and we have two new students and they need to be entered into the system so they can be put into classes. They are currently sitting in the guidance office with their parents waiting to get a schedule to start.
In the middle of all of that, my cell phone goes off and it is the lunch lady, the lunch program has crashed at the elementary and they have 900 kids to process in the next hour and half and the line is backing up.
Can you see why I have insomnia?
At least things are ok as of 6:18 am.
More tomorrow.