Friday, November 2, 2007

The mother of all migraines!

Every morning while I write my blog. Molly sits beside me on the bench seat of the booth and sleeps. I put a little blanket down and she jumps up and sleeps beside me while I write. Today, she is preversly licking herself and I keep smacking her to stop. She must love it becuase I have smacked her like 4 times and after a few minutes she is back to going to town on herself. Whatever!

Last night we had Volleyball awards and pot luck. It was ok. Jess got recognized for breaking two school records and blah, blah, blah. I am not a big fan of those things and even though Jess got her props it is still a long drawn out event. Once again - Whatever!

I worked on the teachers computer last night as well. It took forever and we didn't get much accomplished. She can now get out on a wired connection but her wireless still doesn't work. It really is ridiculous. I have worked on network stuff for about 15 years and I couldn't get it to work. How is someone who has zero knowledge supposed to know what to do? I have setup wireless network stuff before and it is pretty cut and dry. The one she has is a NetGear that she bought through Dell and it SUCKS! Honestly, I think there might be an incombatibility issue with her cable modem and that wireless router. I told her to call their support and see if they can help her. I really feel bad for her but there is only so much I can do.

So I am headed off to bed last night and the moment I lay my head on the pillow I am hit with a migraine. I took some medicine and slept until about 12:30. I woke up to the return of the migraine, took some more medicine and have been up since. My headache has finally gotten better. I still have the residue of the headache but it isn't killing me. I watched a lot of crappy tv during the night.

Drew forgot about the pot luck so when I got home from helping with the teacher's computer he tells me he is hungry. Well, Hell. It is almost 8 o'clock and night and he still hadn't eaten. I asked him what he wanted and he said, hot chocolate and toast. Easy enough, so that is what he had. He and I sat out in the front living room and watched "The Office". He must have had a hard basketball practice because he went to bed almost as soon as it was over.

I am glad it is Friday and the coffee is really tasting good this morning. It is a big chilly, upper 30's but is supposed to be nice today. My legs were cramping up last night as I layed in bed as well. MAN, I'M A MESS!

Ok, off to start my day. The weekend is full of events. I am taking Jess to the gym Saturday to practice her hitting for her volleyball tryout. Huskers play at 11:30ish. I am formatting computers here because they run like crap and need restored. Sunday we have tryouts. The first one is from 8-10, the second 12-2 and the last is 4-6. It should be a fully day for me and the goose. I will let you know how it went Monday.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Drew assures me that Dick did NOT see me naked!

According to Drew, if Dick was backing out of his driveway, he was probably looking backwards and would NOT have seen me naked. He makes a good point.

Thursday is upon us and the weekend is just around the corner. I am in a good mood because I am feeling a bit better today, each day a bit better. The weather is going to be good. I have work to do but it is manageable.

I went to that teachers apartment last night and tried to get her internet connection working. There was a problem with the connection itself so I had her call her service provider. I told her to call me and I would help again if they couldn't get it working and about an hour later, my phone rings, guess what? So I am headed back there tonight. She actually is nice. Just young and living in a crappy apartment with a 10 inch TV. I would want the Internet if I was her too.

Jess has her volleyball awards/pot luck thing tonight at 5:30 so I don't mind going to help with the Internet problem. I don't like the pot luck things either so I guess I can pick my poison. I will hopefully fix the Internet problem in about 30 minutes and then show up for the last part of the pot luck.

Drew said there are 27 boys out for 7th grade basketball. They have several teams. An "A" team, "B" team, and "C" team. He really wants to make the "A" team so he is working hard in practice, paying attention and then went outside last night and shot baskets in the driveway. I appreciate his desire to do well. I hope he makes it. I would think he would. I have coached that group before and he is one of the better players on the inside.

Angie sent me an email about Christmas. I hadn't even thought that far ahead. She had a couple dates that would work. I have no preferrence so whenever is fine with me. It did make me think about the holidays though. I absolutely hate doing Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving but it is probably the smart way to go. I am sure this year will be like the rest, I will procrastinate and end up getting it all done in an afternoon sometime in late December. Angie had Dec 8 as one of the dates, DAMN that's early! I would have to get my shopping done at Thanksgiving. I am not a big fan of that date but it that is what works for everyone, whatever.

Jess has her big tryouts this weekend. She is a bit nervous but I am sure she will do well. I think we are going to go to the gym on Saturday morning and work on her hitting a bit. It has been a little over a week since she has played so we need to get a bit of a warmup in before the tryouts.

Well I am off to start my daily adventure.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I think Dick saw me naked!!!!

So I am getting ready to take a shower the other morning and it was early, 6:15 or so and nobody was awake. I went to the bathroom and was about to step into the shower when I remembered I had a bottle of new shampoo out in the kitchen. So I walk out of the bathroom, and start to cross the living room where we have this big picture window and the minute I start to cross, headlights shine in. I FROZE LIKE A DEER IN HEADLIGHTS! My neighbor, Dick, who is about 85 years old was heading out somewhere and as he pulls out of his driveway his lights shine right into my picture window. So, I grab a pillow off the couch and cover myself and make my way to the kitchen. I am pretty sure he saw Naked Man! Serves my stupid ass right for walking around naked.

I am finally getting over my cold. I still am a bit stuffy and have a cough but it is a bunch better than it was and it is getting better every day. Jess has the cold too but she doesn't have it too bad. It seems that she has plenty of pep in her step but is a bit stuffy and gets grouchy pretty easily. It is either the cold or being a teen, not sure which.

Last night was beggars night and we had quite a few kids. Some years we may only have 6 or 7 kids show up. Last night I bet we had 30 or 40. Dawn buys crappy candy so I try to push it out the door. I tell the kids, take two or three. I don't want any left over. She bought Nerds and Juji fruit. I am not big on Nerds and you can only take so much juji fruit. Whatever!

Jess did her FCA thing and had a good time. Drew went out with friends. Apparently, they just walked around town and went to a teachers house that was all decorated up and had invited the kids to stop by. I think any excuse to be out and about is all they need to get together and hang out. He has a group of kids that hang out together. They are all pretty good kids so I am not too worried. He came got home around 8:15, Jess got home around 8 so it was a pretty tame night.

It is nice to be at Wednesday already. Half way through the week. I have to go to a teachers house tonight to help her setup her wireless network. I hate to do stuff like that but feel like an ass if I say no. I am hoping it just takes a few minutes and I am out. I don't even really know this teacher. At the beginning of the school year the paper publishes pictures of the staff and I keep a copy at my desk so I can see what people look like when they call. We have 340 employees and I have met them all but the ones at the elementary school are hard for me to remember. I am hardly ever in that building and they don't use technology that much so I don't have that much to do with them. Anyway, I had to look at the paper to see what this teacher even looked like after she called. I really hate going to people's house to do computer work.

Right now I don't have any meeting scheduled this week after this morning. We have a department meeting this morning and then the rest of the week I have open. That is very rare but I am very happy about it.

They hired a new business manager and it was the one I was hoping they would hire. She is coming in a few days this month to get familiar with things. I told our Superintendent to let me know when she was planning on coming so I could schedule some time with her to show her how to logon, how our email works, her folders, the phone system, etc. I still haven't heard from him. My guess is he will just call one day and say she is here and I should come down. I don't think he realizes that I do have other things to do. I guess we will see.

More tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Do you want to be scared on Halloween? Look around and see all the people you know and realize...THEY VOTE!

Tonight is beggars night here in Perry. The little ones in town will be out trick-or-treating. My kids will be out and about. Jess has an FCA function called Trunk-or-Treat, it is where they bring in a bunch of cars in a parking lot and decorate them and put candy in the trunks. The kids can come and get candy and the FCA kids put a lot of work into it. Drew is going to a friends and I still don't have enough people signed up for my class so I will be handing out candy here.

Work is normal right now. Lots of stupid people with too much time on their hands. Nothing really out of the ordinary is going on right now and that is good. We purchased a new virus program for the district and it should be arriving this week. We also have a new vendor for toner cartridges for our printers and our first shipment of toner should arrive today via UPS.

Nancy and I were talking about the blog yesterday and she said I needed to print it out and keep it because I will want to look back through it one day. I found a way to save all the postings electronically and have them all saved. I looked back on the first week that I started the blog and even though it has been less than a year it did bring back memories. We had a lot of damn snow when I started this last February. I hear we are going to have a La Nina this year so we may be warmer than usual. Not sure what that means in terms of snow fall though.

So I am feeling a little bit better today. My chest still hurst and my throat is a bit sore and I have this dang cough but for some reason I don't feel as exhausted as I have been feeling. That is a huge improvement. I hope it lasts.

I kind of wish they would make tea like cofee. Put it in cans and make it so I can run it through my coffee maker like I would coffee. That way I could just decide in the morning if I wanted coffee or tea and just choose the can to scoop from. With my cold, tea with a bit of honey sounds really good but it is a pain to make so I am just drinking coffee. Maybe it is just me but I think it would be nice to have a pot of tea sometimes.

So I bought this cold and flu medicine called Thereflu, not sure if that is spelled right. Anyway, you pour it into hot water and drink it while it is warm. The one I have is Lemon flavor and let me tell you, it is a LEMON flavor. Dang! If you like lemonade and you like it hot, you will love this stuff. It isn't bad and the warm drink is soothing but WHAM ----LEMON!!!! I am not sure it really helps but when you are feeling like crap you would try about anything. I have been told Musenex, spelling again, works. I will have to go to the store and pick some up and give it a try. Once again, trying anything.

For some reason today I feel very wordy. I have a bunch more I could ramble on about but I don't want the blog to get too long today. It is ok to read a blog but nobody wants to read a novel every morning. I will keep it short and save some for tomorrow.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Symptoms of my illness; heachache, stuffy nose, chest hurts, cough and a love for reality tv.

The weekend was a bust. I was sick pretty much the whole time. I have this terrible chest cold and feel like crap. I decided to just lay on the sofa and rest on Saturday to try to just get over it. Sunday I went outside to do some yard work, that lasted about 45 minutes and my head and chest started hurting and I lost my energy. Back to the sofa for the rest of the day.

I still feel pretty crappy this morning but I am going to drug myself up and make a run at the day. The best thing about having a desk job is days like this. I can go to work and get things done while not feeling very well.

Molly must have known I didn't feel well because she spent the entire weekend on my lap. Everytime I went to lay down, she would run up and lay on my stomach. She stay with me all weekend and it was a nice comfort.

By the way. I watched an etire season of the reality show "The Restraunt". I think I watched from 1 or 2 until 8. Every episode of the season and it ended on a cliff hanger!!!! I was ticked. I went online and found out what happened. I have a weakness for these reality shows. It is like a sickness. I watch an episode than another and I am hooked, on the couch the rest of the day glued to the tv. Pathetic I know but what can I do.

Jess has open gym today and Drew starts basketball practice. The fall activities are starting up and the week off is over. Time sure has a way of passing quickly. The older I get, the faster time seems to go.

Halloween is this week. Jess is doing something for FCA and Drew is going to go to a friends house for a little get together. I will stay home and hand out candy. I kind of miss the days of taking the kids out trick-or-treating. Seems like that time went quick too.

The Huskers lost again but they looked better. We have been reduced to moral victories and that is sad. My money says the coaches will be fired at the end of the year.

Monday still sucks!