Friday, January 18, 2008

All the money in the world can't buy happiness.....I volunteer to test that theory!

I can't believe it is Friday already. The weeks has seemed to flown by and for that, I am thankful.

Drew's team won their game last night. He had a pretty good game. Didn't score any points but played good defense and had a few assists. I think he had 5 or 6 rebounds too. I had to give him a lecture after the game because I noticed his shorts were hanging half way down his ass. I told him if I see that again, I am going to yell out, during the game "Drew! Pull you shorts up!". Yesterday was his first and last warning about that.

He has a makeup game tonight here in Perry.

FYI - One of my many pet peves (sp) is kids that pull their pants down so their butts hang out.

Jess played in the JV game last night. They ended up just having the two sophmores that start varsity play JV. She did well and scored 10 or 12 points. They lost but it wasn't because of her. They only let the varsity players, play two quarters. Her group started the game and were ahead by 6 after the first quarter. The sub came in and played the second and third quarter. When Jess got back in for the fouth quarter they were down by six and ended up losing by 3. They kept the two freshman in the whole game and they are not good so it was no suprise they lost.

Jess didn't care but one of the girls on the team was being a snot bag and made a scene in the locker room.

Since she is playing JV and varisty now, she has games all the time. She playes a varsity game tonight a JV game in Winterset tomorrow morning and on Monday JV (not sure where) then another varsity game Tuesday.

I am having back trouble. It might have been from shoveling the driveway yesterday but I think it was stiff prior to that. Anyway, I can barely move and sleeping is difficult to say the least. I may take a heating pad to work today.

Nancy's mom had surgery last night and everthing seemed to go ok. They will find out more in the next day or so about chemo or the next step. Keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

I am not sure why bad things happen to good people.

The fickle finger of fate awaits me today so I suppose I should see what is in store.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The biggest premidona in town drives a garbage truck!

The snow is falling and has been falling most of the night. It isn't a huge amount but it is enough for us to have a school delay---2 hours for Perry Schools.

Drew has a game today so he doesn't want a cancellation. The high school girls have had an injury and a girl quit so they are all going to play JV and Varsity. They have 11 girls on the team and only one will not suite JV and that is the lone senior. There is a JV game here in Perry tonight so Jess will be in action. I think the varsity starters can only play a quarter or two.

It is kind of nice to have a snow day but a late start is ok as well. The snow day seems so peaceful at work. Only a small, small handful of people work on a snow day so it is quiet in the building and is seems very calm and quiet outside. I don't mind them from time to time as long as we don't get so many that we are going to school until mid June. That sucks!

We got some information on Jess' volleyball tournament in Omaha. It is at the Qwest center and last year they had 315 teams playing. They have college recruiters from over 150 colleges and they have a professional training staff for injuries like the colleges have. It should be a pretty cool experience. They are guaruanteed 7 games. Three on Saturday and Sunday and then the single ellimination tourney on Monday. Presidents day will be here before you know it.

Drew got a bunch of gift cards for Christmas and they money is jus burning a hole in his pocket. Everyday he tells me what he wants to buy. The problem is, each day the item changes. One day it is a PS3, the next it is Garage Band, the next it is a cool kind of shoe. Talk about impulse buying. I need to keep him out of Des Moines until he had thought it through.

Jess has been frustrated that girl's sports aren't seen as important as boy's sports. She gets sooooooo mad that there are a handful of fans that come to the girls games but the stands fill up when the boys play. I think it is hard for her that she works as hard as any boy and does as well, confernce and state wise as any boy, yet the fans seem indifferent to girls sports.

For the most part it is true but people do know about the girls and follow the team, they just don't show up at the events as much to show that support. She doesn't quite get that most people are fair weather fans. If the team stuggles, people stay home. If the team is really good, regardless of boys or girls, the fans show up and wear the shirts and act like they have been long time supporters. Bandwagoners! I told her to checkout pro football fans. Look at how many people wear football jerseys at school and how many wear the jersey of a bad team. Very few if any. If a team is winning, it seems like EVERYBODY is a fan and they have all been LONG TIME FANS. Whatever!

It is Thursday already and I have to get the stupid trash out for the candy ass garbage men. Not even sure if I should call them men. Filthy bastards! I sure hope the garbage trucks are automatic. I would hate to have them strain their backs shifting gears or pushing in on the clutch. Give me a break!!

More tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Couldn't the government as least buy me dinner first?

The grinding season of losses is taking its toll on the goose. The team lost again last night and she played pretty well. She only scored 4 points but had a bunch of assists, made good passes and played solid defense. It was not a game she should have been upset about.

She comes home last night in tears. I think it was several things at once. The loss, geometry and her coach having high expectations of her and she feels the pressure. Anyway she was a bit upset last night but I talked to her for awhile and she seemed to be ok. The life of a high school athelete can be difficult ...................being an adult can suck too.

Drew went to the game and hung out with his friends. I think he likes going to the high school games almost more than playing in his own games. He gets to sit in the stands, talk, eat pizza and popcorn, drink soda..........For Drew life is good.

It looks like we are going to be getting some snow here today and tomorrow. 5 inches or so is what the lying bastards predict. I guess we will see.

So the governor of Iowa wants to raise the can/bottle deposit from 5 cents to 10 cents. Which sucks to begin with but here is the real kicker......when you take your can/bottle back to the recycle center, you only get 8 cents back. One penny goes to the state for roads or something, and the other goes to the stores that collect the cans. WHAT KIND OF CRAP IS THAT??? Sounds like a tax to me. Buy a case of soda a pay $2.40 extra for deposit!!!

I don't think it is popular enough to pass but the thought of that additional expense, (in the words of the goose) ticks me off. Between the state government looking to screw us and the city government and their candy ass garbage men trying to screw us, life here in Iowa appears to be getting a bit less pleasant. Can't they just leave us poor citizens alone? Seems like our job is to feed the machine. (Picture me in a hypnotice trance, chanting:) "Must serve the government, Must serve the government, Must serve the government." Whatever!

Hump day is upon us and I have a couple of meetings this morning. By lunch time it should be clear sailing for the day and I just have to wait to see how much snow I have to shovel. I think we are going to get some this afternoon and then the bulk of it later today and into tonight. Maybe we will have a late start at school tomorrow or better yet, a early out today AND a late start tomorrow. One can always hope!

Off to start!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What the heck is with the cold weather....I didn't agree to this!!!!

I made it through the second night of teaching. It was a strange sort of night because I was supposed to present to the school board during class. At 7 o'clock, I had the kids take a 15 minute break and I went to the school board meeting for my presentation. Well, the guy on the agenda before me was rambling on and on and on and on. Pretty soon it was 15 after and he was still going. I went back to may class and just thought "They can come and get me when they want me." 8:15 they finally come to door and say they are ready for me. So, I take another break, did my ridiculous presentation and then get back to teaching.

The reason I had to do a presentation for the board was because one of the member questioned why we purchased expensive data phones. So instead of the Supt. just telling him, he thought it would be a good idea for me to present the info to the whole school board. Strange how we can piss away thousands of dollars on hiring a coach to teach NOTHING and I have to present why we pay $14 a month for data phones.

I now have a two week break from teaching. Next Monday is Martin Luther King day and DMACC is closed for the holiday, so we don't have class. I really like teaching so it isn't a big deal to me. The only hang up for this session is that four hours is a long time to teach and for kids to stay alert.

Drew has an early morning practice today and Jess has a game tonight. She said her coach was ticked yesterday and yelled at the team and told them he was going with a new starting lineup for tonight and that there are no "starters" on the team because they are playing so bad. My guess is Jess will start but I guess we will see tonight.

I have an early morning meeting today. Nancy and I have to go to the Elementary and hand out a couple of laptops and lay down the law for use. The special ed department, of course, is getting two laptops for their staff to use. They will have a "main" teacher who is responsible for it and checking it out to the other staff members. I will show them how to use the computer and what the checkout process is.

I really don't know what is on my calendar for the rest of the week. I haven't checked and I really don't care to check this morning. I hate Monday and Tuesday is on my list.

Jess is struggling in Geometry. She recieved a D on a quiz, retook it yesterday and got a D. Parent teacher conferences were last night and I went to Drew's, he is doing well, then I went to the high school for my class and ran into Jess' Geometry teacher. She broke the news to me and when I talked to Jess last night and told her, she was frustrated to say the least. She has a test in that class today and now she is convinced she is going to fail it. PROOFS!!!!!!!!

Anyway, she said she does fine except for proofs and that is what they are testing.

Ok, off to start my day. I know, the blog was boring this morning. I guess I just live an uneventful life.

More fun to share tomorrow.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I used to like Mondays------What the hell was I thinking?

The weekly cycle has begun again. UGH!!!

MONDAY---What a drag!

Jess and the girls basektball team had a very rough weekend. They lost big on Friday night and on Saturday night. Jess didn't play well either night. She did a nice job on defense but didn't score on Friday and only had 2 on Saturday. She was averaging between 10 -16 points a game and really didn't play agressively this weekend. She also struggled at the free thow line. In light of all of that we went to the gym yesterday and worked on her shot and free throws. We shot for about an hour and a half. We also talked about confidence and fire.

Going and shooting was her idea. I think she was disgusted with her play and wanted to get it fixed. Drew came with us and shot as well. He is playing pretty well and has been shooting pretty good as well.

I teach class tonight and have to do a short presentation for the school board. That is a kick ass develoment. I teach a four hour class and during one of my breaks, I have to walk across the hall and present to the board and then come back and finish teaching. Whoo-hooo!

Who knows what the week ahead will bring. The weather is supposed to be cold and maybe a few flurries throughout the week. I don't think we are supposed to get anything of significants but cold is cold.

Jess plays at home of Tuesday and away on Friday. Drew plays at home on Thursday. Right now, we don't have a volleyball tournament this weekend. I know the coaches were trying to get in one but the one they checked into was full. I would imagine it is a bit late to get into anything for this weekend but you never know.

I feel like I have been so busy lately and the weekend has just flown by. Tonight teach class, Tuesday go to a game, Wednesday get a break, Thursday and Friday go to games and then it is back to the weekend. Whirlwind! My Tivo is filling up with shows I want to watch but zero time to watch them.

Have a great Monday!