Friday, August 1, 2008

There is nothing cool about humidity!

I simply forgot to post the blog yesterday. I was working on some DMACC stuff and the time got away from me and before you know it, I was in the shower and thinking...."Crap! I forgot to post to the blog today".

The weather is terrible. It is hot, hot, hot. It is going to be in the upper 9o's this weekend with high humidity. Welcome to August.

There are a couple things of interest this weekend. The 141 sale is going on. The highway that runs through central Iowa is highway 141. It runs from Des Moines, through a bunch of towns, to include Perry and then out to the west a bit. I am not sure how it got started but they have a 141 sale where everywhere along that highway, all through central Iowa, people have garage sales. Houses along the highway and throughout all the towns have sales, there are food vendors and all the things you would have at a carnival. I think the sales route is over 40 miles long. Anyway, it is this weekend.

It is also the tax free weekend. Every year before school starts, Iowa has a tax free weekend. All things you buy for school; supplies, clothes, etc are all tax free. This is a state wide mandate so it applies to all stores in Iowa. As you can imagine the stores will be a mad house.

Registration is Monday so it will be a long day. Once August hits, things seem to speed up. The days run together and there is always something going on.

The first of every month is a gamble on whether we will get the rent from our tenants or not. Last month we never recieved all the rent. We were still wating for $225 as of yesterday. It is the first so they owe another months rent. I hope we don't have to look at kicking them out. That whole process is a suckfest. Maybe they will pay ontime. (It would be the first time since they moved in)

I mowed the lawn last night. It was a hot bastard. I think I was soaking wet after I pulled the cord to start the mower. Humidity sucks!

Monday will be the Video blog. Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

If it wasn't for the tough times, the good times would be so good!

Work has been really busy lately but I think we are in pretty good shape right now. There is still a bunch to do but we aren't in a "panic" mode. Yesterday was a bit rough because I had a bad attitude to begin with and then it was busy and unrelenting. It is good to have that day behind me.

The weather is still hot and humid, nothing new there. August is about here and I will have to start getting ready for teaching the DMACC classes again. There is a required training and a couple of recommended sessions I need to go to. Add those evenings to my busy days and I think I am going to need some Valium to get me through. Anyone know a Dr. Feelgood?

Jess has been a big help. She has been offering to help at the office and she has been in quite a bit to help with stuff. Her and Drew have both been a big help. I think she can tell I am having a tough time.

Things will get better, they always do so it is just a matter of fighting through this funk. I feel much better today but I feel like I am going through the motions. Such is life!

How do you eat an elephant?............One bite at a time!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Is the future of the blog at risk?

I was thinking about the blog lately and how most days I really don't have much to talk about. Life is pretty dull when you primarily just work, eat and sleep. This is the case during the summer for sure. The kids don't have events and there really isn't a whole lot going on at work that is worth mentioning.

I think I may cut the blog back to once or twice a week. I am not sure which yet but at least until things pick up a bit, I might cut back.

I will keep posting each day until I decide what I want to do.

Off to think.......

Sunday, July 27, 2008