Saturday, March 10, 2007

Way Too Early for a Saturday

We are headed to Marshalltown this morning for a volleyball tournament. We leave at 6:15 so this will have to be short.

The Iowa Department of Transportation has created a slideshow of pictures of our blizzard. The link to the show is:

Jessica found out yesterday she is the anchor of the 4x400 relay on Monday. So a senior runs the first leg, a junior the second, another senior the third and the freshman goose runs the anchor. She is pretty nervous so I told her she should tell the girls "I'll run anchor but you bitches get me a lead."lol

Anyway, I will write more tomorrow.

Love ya all.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Melty, squishy but not Taco Bell

The weather is getting much better here but it has presented another problem. MUD! The country roads are so bad that the county has closed them to our school busses for at least 3 weeks. There is a thick layer so slush on the roads with soft mud undernead so it is not a good time to have a beautiful country home. Needless to say we have some upset parents. Oh well, blame it on the county supervisor.

Class went well last night. There were only four people there and the two oldest people decided not to stay for the last hour. We cover Microsoft Excel the last hour and they have enough trouble with Word that Excel has been a strech for them. The two remaining student, a husband and wife that work for a car dealership, had a private lesson. I think it was good for them, I showed them how to make an invoice template from scratch and how to customize it to what they want. I think they had a good time. WHOO HOO - Excel.

This week I recieved an email from Microsoft. We have been doing some beta testing with them for a year or two and we are currently in a program to beta test a product this summer. The project manager of this program emailed me and invited me and Nancy to go to MICROSOFT!!! All expenses paid for two days. They have the beta group go to Redmond, Washington and meet with the developers and engineers. They pay for hotel, food for the two days, we just have to pay for flight and ground transportation. The flight appears to be about $250 so I think the school can afford it. So I will go talk to the superintendent Monday to get approval but it should be a done deal. I wonder if I can take pictures while we are there. How cool of an experience will this be?

Jessica has a tournament in Marshalltown this weekend. We have to leave at 6:30 AM Saturday. SUCKY! Drew has his basketball team pizza party on Sunday at our house. It should be fun.

Spring break starts on the 16. The countdown begins.

Miss you all.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Workin for the Weekend

Hump Day! I thought this week was going to move along at a very slow pace but it is Wednesday already so that has put a little bounce in my step today.

My class went pretty well last night. The students were in good humor and we had fun during class. One of the students had his wife bring home made chocolate chip cookies to class. How cool is that? They are a good group and we have had a pretty good time in class over the last few weeks.

I am working on our new student administration system at work and the progress is slow. But as in all things, the wheels of progress my turn slow but they do turn.

Nancy's birthday is coming up at the end of the month so I am looking at what we should do to celebrate. I think she is allowing us to recognize her birthday this year so I will try to make the most out of the opportunity.

I published a video of Drew sledding (ON A GARBAGE CAN LID!) with a friend. Check it out and tell me what you think. I am not sure if I am going to put more video on the site or not. This is kind of a test.

Have a nice day today. I miss you all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Shaky Start

This week has started with a bang. The phone system at school was down yesterday, no phone calls in and no data connection to our admin center. NOT GOOD! I worked with QWest most of the day and they are still working. I am hoping it will be all taken care of sometime this morning.

It is only 8 school days until spring break. I can't wait. I have a few projects planned but it should be a great time to catch up on things at work.

Nothing really with the kids. Drew's BB team was not able to get into the tournament this weekend so it seems as the season has kind of been a bust. Oh well! I think we will have a pizza party for the boys sometime this weekend.

Jessica is getting ready for her first high school track meet. She is running two events. The 4x400 meter relay and the sprint medely, another 400 for her. She is lucky though a bunch of kids won't get to particpate since it is an indoor meet and not a full slate of events.

I teach class tonight. I only have a couple more weeks left so it is going pretty fast.

Off to work....

Monday, March 5, 2007

Snow Days

It was a wintery weekend. We did not have school on Thursday or Friday and I think we are finally shoveled out. The country roads are still in poor shape and some farms are still unable to get out of their drive-ways. We have a late start at school today. The kids are happy of course. I have to go in for a meeting this morning so the day starts as usual for me.

Jessica had her birthday dinner yesteday. I made ultimate fondue. Whis is velveeta, swiss cheese, cream of shrimp soup, half and half, and shrimp. All heated up and served in a toasted bread bowl. It was pretty good. We also had shrimp alfredo and chocolate cake. So much for my diet!

We are in playoffs in our volleyball league and we won our first round game - 15-2, 15-3, 15-7.

Two weeks until spring break.