Friday, February 22, 2008

Its official......WINTER SUCKS!!!

It is Friday but the weekend ahead is going to be busy.

Jess has a volleyball tournament at Drake University and we have to be there at 7:15 am. It is about 45 minutes away but we will leave about an hour ahead of time so that would be 6:15. Kids want up an hour prior, that is 5:15.........5:00 am ON A SATURDAY!!!!

Drew had a basketball tournament in Boone and he doesn't have his first game until 11. Boone is about 30 minutes or so away and one of his friends mom is taking him up to the game. Jess' games should be done by 2 and Drew will play at 4 so we will all head up to see his last game or two. Sunday Jess has game but Drew will be finished on Saturday.

So I was watching the food network a few years ago and they were talking about how the old Greek society used to just cook with whatever they had in the fridge or cooler. Leftovers of rice, meat sauces, vegetables or whatever they had, they would combine to make a meal. Well I have adopted that philosophy and from time to time, I throw leftovers together and create kind of a variety fried rice dish. Usually, meat of some kind, vegtables, rice, and some type of sauce like soy or even salsa.

The kids are not big fans of this type of meal. I was going to make chicken burritos but Jess had track practice and then had to go to Ankeny for volleyball practice right after. I figure I will make the burritos tonight and make rice stuff last night.

Drew thought is was terrible and as soon as Jess walked in the door from volleyball practice he said, "Guess what I had for dinner?"........"GREEK" and Jess made the gagging sound.

Nice......real nice!

I plan to take more pictures this weekend and will get them posted to the blog soon.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

I finally realized I will never be President of the United States

It is a bit refreshing to know I am done teaching for the week. Class went pretty well last night but the computers in the lab kept freezing up and what should have taken an hour, ended up taking closer to two. We didn't get as far as I would have liked but it was a pretty good night anyway.

DMACC requires me to have the students fill out a survey. It really is more of an evaluation of my instruction, the class, the presentations, etc. Last nights class really gave me good marks and made some very nice comments. I was going to just turn them in to the Provost but since they were so nice, I am going to make copies for me to keep before I give them to him. Little things in life make difference, ya know.

The weather here still stinks but it seems to be on a bit of a warmer trend. We will get to a high of 20 today and I think that is going to be the coldest day of the rest of the week. The weekend will get into the low 30's which seems awesome. What the hell kind of place am I living in when I am happy for 30's?

I have volunteered to be on the Adjunt instructor committe for DMACC. I am not really sure what the purpose of this committe is, I am sure they told me but I don't remember. It seems to me that this is a good opportunity to meet more people at DMACC and get myself a little bit more known so as opportunities arise, they might think of me.

My first meeting is the 5th of March, before my normal Wednesday class.

It is garbage day today. They haven't inacted the ridiculous "no gabage can" rule yet but I think that is scheduled to take effect next month.

I have a couple meeting schedule for today and a bunch of office work to get done. It is not the best way to end the week but it seems like today and tomorrow are going to be pretty busy.

I hope everyone is staying warm these days. I keep imagining Spring and thinking it can only get better outside. Time is on our side right? It can't stay cold forever.

I am sure it will only be a matter of time before I am complaining about the humidity.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

OK, turn on the heat, this isn't funny anymore!

We have a new Nichols in the clan. Avery Jon (AJ) Nichols was born yesterday and I am sure he has a couple of proud parents.

It is about as cold as it can be today. Right now the temperature is -11 WITHOUT WINDCHILL!!! The high today will be 4. Windchills will put the temps down to -20 to -30 today. Ugh!

Both of the kids had practice last night. Drew had basketball practice and Jess had her first track practice. She is always a bit disgruntled after her first track practice and last night was no different. She was a little sore from the workout but she gets really ticked off when people don't work hard in practice. To her, you are there to work and get better so when the track meets begin you are ready to win. She just doesn't understand how people can walk or jog slow, when they should be pushing themselves. She is definitely driven.

We are getting to the end of the trimester and that means report card time is here. It is always a bit hectic in the office during this time of year because we have three different buildings with completely different needs. Each wants different things on the report card and then they have attendance needs as well. I spent much of the day yesterday fixing and remaking reports.

Today I have to proctor a test; then I have a meeting and then I teach class in Des Moines tonight. I wish I could take my phone off the hook.

It is kind of good to be almost half way through the week. It seems that this year is really flying by. In the blink of an eye the school year will be ending and Jess will be looking to start her Junior year of high school. As long as she was a Freshman or Sophmore it seemed like a long time until she would graduate. Once she hits her Junior year, it will start to hit me. In a year and a half, Jess will be a senior and Drew will be a Freshman.

I don't want to think about it. I am going to start my day.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You know its bad when the 20's feel like a heat wave!

It is good to be past Monday. The weather here really stinks! It is very, very cold and windy. I don't think it is going to get better this week at all. The high has been in the low teens or single digits. It you throw in the wind chill you are really feeling the bite of the Winter. The normal high right now is upper 30's. I think we are going to get to 14 today.

Jess finished up the volleyball weekend yesterday. The won all three matches and won the silver bracket in the tournament. They ended up 13th out of 65 teams and a 7-2 record.

Jess starts track practice today.

Drew had basketball practice last night and he is looking forward to playing in the tournament this weekend. I am not sure when track starts for the middle school.

I taught class last night and it went pretty well. I had to talk to a couple of students about their grades. They are failing! One of them is on the golf team and if his grade doesn't get up, he will be ineligible. I am certain he will get caught up.

Today is pretty open. I have a meeting at 10 but other than that I have the day, free of appointments. Tomorrow I have a bunch of stuff going on so I need to use today to prep for that. I also teach tomorrow night so that is another part of what needs to be done.

The current temp is -3, with wind chill -14. Give me a break!

Off to start my day.

Monday, February 18, 2008

So why do people abuse rented mules?

I am really kind of disgusted that it is Monday. The start of the week is here. I teach class tonight and have the whole week ahead. Ugh!

Jess had her volleyball tournament in Omaha this weekend. It was at the QWest center, which is a very cool place. There are teams from all over the country at this tournament. I saw teams from Texas, Colorado, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas. There could have been teams from other states but these are the ones I personally saw. They also had recuiters from over 200 colleges.

On Friday we played teams from Colorado, Illinois, and Missouri. We won all of our matches and were seeded 1st going into Sunday. Yesterday they won their first match, lost their second match and then faced a very good team from Nebraska. They were the Nebraska Volleyball Academy and had two girls that are 6'2. We won the first game, lost the second and then lost the tie breaker game by two. We ended up seeded 3rd in Sunday's bracket. They will play for the silver medal today. If they lose, they are done. If they win and keep winning, I think the would play three games, they will play their last game at 1.

I hope they do well.

Drew and I went up Saturday morning and then came back Saturday night. The weather here was supposed to be really bad. Ice starting at midnight and then 7+ inches of snow on Sunday. Here in Perry the weather kind of fizzled out. We got a little ice but maybe an inch of snow. It kind of sucks that the weather didn't go as planned. I could have stayed for the games Sunday.

Both kids have tournaments next weekend. Drew plays in a basketball tournament in Boone and Jess playes in another volleyball tournament in Des Moines.

Track season starts for Jess on Tuesday. She will have her first practice. She also have volleyball practice that night at 7 so I am sure she will be grumpy. The first track practice is usually tough on the body so I am sure she will not be in the mood for volleyball.

I have some pictures of the volleyball tournament but Jess kept the camera with her for the weekend so I will post them tomorrow. They should be back tonight sometime. It kind of sucks that I teach class tonight because I wont be able to talk to her about the games.

Yesterday, Drew and I had a lazy day together. After Drew got up we went over to Nancy's, she made fresh cinnamon rolls...(They were awesome!), to get Molly. They puppy sat for us Saturday. After that we watched a little tv. We had lunch and then took a nap. For dinner we had fondue and hashbrowns and watched the American Gladiator finale. All in all a pretty good day.

Off to start Monday!