We have a new Nichols in the clan. Avery Jon (AJ) Nichols was born yesterday and I am sure he has a couple of proud parents.
It is about as cold as it can be today. Right now the temperature is -11 WITHOUT WINDCHILL!!! The high today will be 4. Windchills will put the temps down to -20 to -30 today. Ugh!
Both of the kids had practice last night. Drew had basketball practice and Jess had her first track practice. She is always a bit disgruntled after her first track practice and last night was no different. She was a little sore from the workout but she gets really ticked off when people don't work hard in practice. To her, you are there to work and get better so when the track meets begin you are ready to win. She just doesn't understand how people can walk or jog slow, when they should be pushing themselves. She is definitely driven.
We are getting to the end of the trimester and that means report card time is here. It is always a bit hectic in the office during this time of year because we have three different buildings with completely different needs. Each wants different things on the report card and then they have attendance needs as well. I spent much of the day yesterday fixing and remaking reports.
Today I have to proctor a test; then I have a meeting and then I teach class in Des Moines tonight. I wish I could take my phone off the hook.
It is kind of good to be almost half way through the week. It seems that this year is really flying by. In the blink of an eye the school year will be ending and Jess will be looking to start her Junior year of high school. As long as she was a Freshman or Sophmore it seemed like a long time until she would graduate. Once she hits her Junior year, it will start to hit me. In a year and a half, Jess will be a senior and Drew will be a Freshman.
I don't want to think about it. I am going to start my day.