Ok, I sucked so bad last night I don't even want to go into it. I am not sure if I have a bit of a hang over today or if I have some sinus stuff going on. I took sinus medication because I don't think I drank enough to be hung over.
So I get home from golf last night and go and pick up Molly girl (Nancy puppy sits while I am golfing.) and let her stay outside for a bid so she can do her business. She is out there for about 15 minutes and all of the sudden I hear her freaking out. She is barking and barking and growling, which isn't uncommon but she was freaking a little more than usual so I went to check and there she is cornered by a toad. Too funny! This little toad had hopped up to the bottom of our steps and she was trapped at the top, freaking out. I put her down behind the toad and she was trying to get close to sniff but she was too freaked out and wouldn't get close. It was very funny, she would bark at it and it just sat there and looked at her sitting very still. I eventually tapped its butt so it would hop into the bushes.
I let her out this morning and she was still kind of afraid. She walked really slow and kind of sniffed around. A little puppy afraid of a toad. I should have taken a picture and posted it.
There is this new show on the Sci-Fi network called "Mind Control with (not sure of the dudes name). Anyway, it was pretty cool. He was on a microphone in a mall and he was standing on the second floor so he, and us the audience, could see the people walking around below. There were probably around 100 people down there walking around and doing the things that people do, talking on cell phones, chatting with friends, window shopping, etc. So he is just talking about mall stuff; hours of operation, sales, grand opening, blah, blah,blah, but while he was talking he would through out these little phases, very quickly between words, like "hands up", "you will listen", stuff like that. He talked for like 20 seconds and then says "NOW" and snapps his fingers and EVERYONE IN THE MALL RAISES THERE HAND IN THE AIR! They raised it like they were wanting to ask a question in a grade school classroom. It was very cool. They interviewed a couple people after and this one guy said "I was just talking on my cell and all of the sudden, I raised my right arm and then turned around and saw that everyone else had raised their hand too."
Very cool show. Check it out sometime. I was tired so I TIVO'ed it and will watch it this weekend.
My weekend plans are not too fun. I am going to work, at work and then work, at home. I have a couple lawns to mow and I need to trim bushes, which is a big job here. I also need to clean the garage and my car. I think I need a hobby because I don't really do anything that I think is just plain old fun. I like to golf ok but when you suck it is hard to get a load of joy out of it. I don't really play video games anymore and I am not that big into movies like I used to be. Somehow I need to find an diversion that I truly enjoy.
Have a great weekend and I will post some pics for Monday.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday is Golf Day and I suck at golf!
72 computers and 72 monitors for a total of 144 boxes arrived at the school yesterday. When it takes 5 people about a half an hour to unload the semi, it makes me feel like we will never get all of these dang computers unboxed and configured.
Life is buzzing along pretty quickly right now. The summer is getting close to the end and we have a bunch of stuff to do before school starts. The new teachers come back August 1 and we spend a half day with them training them on the technology systems. August 6th is registration which we are in charge of and it is no small task. All staff return August 15th and school starts August 22nd.
Little Molly and I are in a power stuggle right now. She is a stubborn little puppy and I am not letting her get her way. When I call her she just sits and looks at me. When she is outside and it is time to come in, I call her, and she just sits and looks at me. Normally I just let the little snot just sit outside and she can sit her stupid ass out there all night for all I care. When I hear her at the door barking, I let her in.
Last night it was my bedtime so I called her to go to her cage. She sat there, looked at me and strated to head down the basement. Ok, that was it. Now she is going to learn that if I have to come and get her, there is an ass kickin coming with me. I went and got her, spanked her little butt and put her in her cage. When she comes when I call she gets a hug and petted. She can be a naughty little puppy but that crap is going to end and it started last night!
I hope golf goes well tonight. I don't care if I play well, I just don't want to suck! Typically I do ok though so we will see how it goes tonight.
I did something to my right hand. I am not sure what but it has to be something with the computer. My right hand is aching and the finger that I use to tell people to FO, twiches like it is about to cramp. It really kind of hurts to use it with the mouse too much so I moved the mouse to my left and hand and have started to get the hang of it.
I think I am going to take some pictures this weekend and post to the site so check back.
Life is buzzing along pretty quickly right now. The summer is getting close to the end and we have a bunch of stuff to do before school starts. The new teachers come back August 1 and we spend a half day with them training them on the technology systems. August 6th is registration which we are in charge of and it is no small task. All staff return August 15th and school starts August 22nd.
Little Molly and I are in a power stuggle right now. She is a stubborn little puppy and I am not letting her get her way. When I call her she just sits and looks at me. When she is outside and it is time to come in, I call her, and she just sits and looks at me. Normally I just let the little snot just sit outside and she can sit her stupid ass out there all night for all I care. When I hear her at the door barking, I let her in.
Last night it was my bedtime so I called her to go to her cage. She sat there, looked at me and strated to head down the basement. Ok, that was it. Now she is going to learn that if I have to come and get her, there is an ass kickin coming with me. I went and got her, spanked her little butt and put her in her cage. When she comes when I call she gets a hug and petted. She can be a naughty little puppy but that crap is going to end and it started last night!
I hope golf goes well tonight. I don't care if I play well, I just don't want to suck! Typically I do ok though so we will see how it goes tonight.
I did something to my right hand. I am not sure what but it has to be something with the computer. My right hand is aching and the finger that I use to tell people to FO, twiches like it is about to cramp. It really kind of hurts to use it with the mouse too much so I moved the mouse to my left and hand and have started to get the hang of it.
I think I am going to take some pictures this weekend and post to the site so check back.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Abducted by Aliens
Not sure where the time went. My last post was Friday and here it is Wedesday. I really must be losing it because Nancy asked me yesterday why I haven't been posting my blogs and it just hit me that I hadn't been. It is like it totally slipped my mind that I hadn't been doing that in the morning. Very wierd since it has become part of my morning routine for the last few months. Oh well, I am back at it now.
The kids and Dawn left on vacation this morning. They spent the night at Gene and Marshas and were planning on leaving by 4:00 am. They are headed to Niagara Falls but I really don't know much of the details. I know they are going to an amusement park along the way or somewhere close to Niagara Falls. They will be returning August 4th or 5th. (Not sure of that either.)
Work has been interesting lately. I ALMOST DIED!!!!!! I inadvertently plugged a server setup for a 110 ciruit into a 220 circuit. My hand was on the plug as I pushed it into the back of the computer. POP-CRACK-SPARKS-SMOKE!!!!! I new instantly what I had done but MAN it made me jump. Nancy said I wasn't close to death and that I am being melo-dramatic...blah, blah, blah. I ALMOST DIED!!!!!
The new student information system crashed in a big way. The whole system was down Monday and Tuesday morning until about 9. It is a very long story that is not very interesting so I will spare you the details of that adventure. It would even bore me to write it so I could hardly expect you to want to read it.
I have 72 computers arriving sometime this morning. Including the monitors we should be getting 144 boxes. What a blast.
Ok, here is a story that I think you will enjoy.
Last weekend I was at the grocery store and the place was pretty busy which is kind of the standard on a Saturday afternoon. I didn't have that much to pickup but it was enough to justify a cart. Jess and I were just finishing up and deciding which check-out line to go into. Most of the lines were full and had at least one other person waiting to put their necessities on the little grocery store conveyor belt. There was one line, however; that looked like out best bet but the person unloading his cart was less than desireable, at least at first glance.
We push our cart up to the end of the counter and put a plastic divider between his groceries and ours. So this guy, probably 275 pound, wife beater t-shirt, beard, and hair that looked like it hadn't seen soap in quite a few years. He wore sunglasses and sweatpants and sandals. Anyway, as he was writing his check, he lets out the biggest FART I have heard in quite a while. I mean, this is the type of fart only reserved for the bathroom after a big night of mexican food. I am pretty sure this dude left some in his underpants. The cashier kind of looked up and smiles as her cheeks flushed. The boy bagging the groceries walked away, for some reason in my mind it seemed that he ran but it had to be my imagination. The cashier to the right of us, turned around and started to laugh. The whole area around the checkout stands went silent as everyone looked at DUDE.
He acted like nothing happend then finally said "excuse me". He accepted his reciept, grabbed the handles of his cart and proceeded to the door. Now that is kind of a funny story but the smell that bastard left behind was nothing to laugh about. I mean, what could I do? I have all my groceries on the little conveyor and there are two people in line behind me. The smell was like a punch in the face. I tried to hold my breath but it was impossible. Jess freaked out and went outside and waited for me. You know it was at that time that I had a revelation.
I have smelled farts before, hell I fart and it stinks like hell, but there is something different about a stranger farting like that. It is almost like an attack. That bastard, farted and forced the rest of us in the area to smell his stink for the remainder of our stay.
I am glad I did not have many groceries and I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
More tomorrow.
The kids and Dawn left on vacation this morning. They spent the night at Gene and Marshas and were planning on leaving by 4:00 am. They are headed to Niagara Falls but I really don't know much of the details. I know they are going to an amusement park along the way or somewhere close to Niagara Falls. They will be returning August 4th or 5th. (Not sure of that either.)
Work has been interesting lately. I ALMOST DIED!!!!!! I inadvertently plugged a server setup for a 110 ciruit into a 220 circuit. My hand was on the plug as I pushed it into the back of the computer. POP-CRACK-SPARKS-SMOKE!!!!! I new instantly what I had done but MAN it made me jump. Nancy said I wasn't close to death and that I am being melo-dramatic...blah, blah, blah. I ALMOST DIED!!!!!
The new student information system crashed in a big way. The whole system was down Monday and Tuesday morning until about 9. It is a very long story that is not very interesting so I will spare you the details of that adventure. It would even bore me to write it so I could hardly expect you to want to read it.
I have 72 computers arriving sometime this morning. Including the monitors we should be getting 144 boxes. What a blast.
Ok, here is a story that I think you will enjoy.
Last weekend I was at the grocery store and the place was pretty busy which is kind of the standard on a Saturday afternoon. I didn't have that much to pickup but it was enough to justify a cart. Jess and I were just finishing up and deciding which check-out line to go into. Most of the lines were full and had at least one other person waiting to put their necessities on the little grocery store conveyor belt. There was one line, however; that looked like out best bet but the person unloading his cart was less than desireable, at least at first glance.
We push our cart up to the end of the counter and put a plastic divider between his groceries and ours. So this guy, probably 275 pound, wife beater t-shirt, beard, and hair that looked like it hadn't seen soap in quite a few years. He wore sunglasses and sweatpants and sandals. Anyway, as he was writing his check, he lets out the biggest FART I have heard in quite a while. I mean, this is the type of fart only reserved for the bathroom after a big night of mexican food. I am pretty sure this dude left some in his underpants. The cashier kind of looked up and smiles as her cheeks flushed. The boy bagging the groceries walked away, for some reason in my mind it seemed that he ran but it had to be my imagination. The cashier to the right of us, turned around and started to laugh. The whole area around the checkout stands went silent as everyone looked at DUDE.
He acted like nothing happend then finally said "excuse me". He accepted his reciept, grabbed the handles of his cart and proceeded to the door. Now that is kind of a funny story but the smell that bastard left behind was nothing to laugh about. I mean, what could I do? I have all my groceries on the little conveyor and there are two people in line behind me. The smell was like a punch in the face. I tried to hold my breath but it was impossible. Jess freaked out and went outside and waited for me. You know it was at that time that I had a revelation.
I have smelled farts before, hell I fart and it stinks like hell, but there is something different about a stranger farting like that. It is almost like an attack. That bastard, farted and forced the rest of us in the area to smell his stink for the remainder of our stay.
I am glad I did not have many groceries and I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.
More tomorrow.
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