Friday, May 30, 2008
Tropical weather without the kick ass ocean view
Rain - Thunder - Tornadoes - Repeat. That is the patten for last week and NEXT week too. What the hell! Tomorrow is the one day exception to this terrible trend. Saturday is the oasis day but I guess we will have to wait and see it that actually pans out.
I can see by the weather reports that everyone in Nebraska is getting the same crappy treatment we are getting. Whatever happened to the good old days of drought? Maybe hydro-energy is a viable solution after all.
All of the games for yesterday were postponed. Neither one of the kids even had practice yesterday because the weather was bad and there weren't any facilities available to even have an indoor practice.
Jess got some bad news yesterday. Her track coach resigned to take graduate courses. She was pretty important to Jess during the track season and it isn't easy for her to know she won't be there for her next year.
Today is the last day of school for the year. We have a 2 hour early out so the kids will be done shortly after lunch. Jess has finals today and is done after her last final. She should be done around lunch time.
It looks like we are going to get more rain throughout the day today so I would imagine the games for tonight will be cancelled. Jess has a softball tournament here tomorrow but it will depend on the fields to see if that will go on as scheduled.
Golf league was cancelled last night. The course is saturated and they couldn't let carts on the fairways. It is just a mess all over right now.
I need to go to Des Moines so this weekend may be a good time to go. I need to go to SAMs Club to get by bulk purchases and then Drew and I both need haircuts. I also need to get my oil changed.
I guess we will wait and see what the next week brings. It is kind of a drag knowing that it is going to be rainy at least through Thursday. I am pretty sure when this rain trend finishes up it will be 97 degrees and as humid as hell. So much for Spring.
I kind of have a bad attitude for it being Friday.
The complaint store will be open again Monday.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
If you are the one doing the rain dance......GIVE IT A BREAK ALREADY!
The high school has a mess on there hands with the new athletic complex. It is muddy and even if they can have a game on it, I am not sure the fans can get to the stands to watch. The entire area around the fields is dirt, well mud right now, so to get to the field you would need mud boots.
The ladies at the garbage department are making their rounds in my neighborhood today. I hope they don't get their sun dresses wet. It is golf night and Jess has a softball game. We will have to wait and see what the weather does to see if any of these things will be a go.
If we didn't have golf, I wouldn't be heart broken. I enjoy golf but it should be enjoyable not a chore to do in the crappy weather.
One of the middle school teachers came into my office yesterday and asked if I watched the Big Ten track meet on tv this weekend. I hadn't. Anyway he said Jess' 400 time would have placed her 9th in the finals at that meet. How cool is that? There are 11 division one schools in the Big Ten so if Jess' time was 9th, she would have beaten two of the school's top runners.
One thing about the weather being crappy. I have been home every night this week. It has to be the first time in a long while that I have been home every night. I usually had to teach class or go to a game or meet or something. This week, so far has been clean. Home around 5 and to bed by 10.
Two days of school left!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Hey mom, I have a new drink special for the bar
It rained yesterday and it looks like we are in for the same for the remainder of the week. Today is the exception. I think we get a break from the rain today and then back at it tomorrow.
The people of Parkersburg, Iowa are recovering from a tornado that wiped out their town. It was a level 5 or something like that. Anyway it was the strongest tornado in the state of Iowa since the early 80's. I think 5 people died.
I watched the Undertakers YouTube videos yesterday. How cool is that? Thanks JoDee for sending me the link. It looks like everyone was having a good time.
Drew is supposed to have a makeup game tonight. I guess we wait and see what kind of shape the fields are in. The games for tomorrow and Friday are in question.
This weekend, Jess has a softball tournament here in Perry and then is playing in a volleyball league and the first match is Sunday in Ogden.
I am not sure if it is my cold or all the liquor and medicine I took last night but DANG I am very tired this morning. I need to snap out of it. Maybe next time I only drink on glass of wine...:)
It is less than a month and I will be headed to sunny California. I originally had intended to lose a little weight before I went out there so I didn't look like such a mess at the beach but I am afraid that just isn't going to happen. I have lost my desire to diet or exercise and that is not the road to a beach body.
The kids are getting excited about summer. The middle school is printing report cards today so apparently they aren't doing anything of significance the rest of the year. Jess has three or four finals over the next three days so she is a bit stressed about that.
I seem to be rambling a bit this morning so I think I am going to head out.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I feel like a mucus factory and business is GOOD!
I have this terrible chest cold. For the most part I slept the entire weekend. My voice is gone and I hope that I have turned the corner and start feeling better soon.
Sunday I did a bunch of yard work. It was productive but I think it didn't help my cold. As a matter of fact since Sunday, I have felt pretty much like crap. I need to get over this soon.
It is raining today and has rained most of the weekend. Guess what? More rain the rest of the week. This also sucks!
I always try to look at the bright side of any crappy situation. Here is what I have:
- It is Tuesday so a short work week ahead
- This is the last week school is in session so the kids will be out Friday
I am supposed to have a department meeting this morning but if I can't talk, I will have to cancel it and just send out a memo. I will have to have Nancy answer the phone today.
Drew is supposed to have a baseball game tonight. If the rain keeps coming down, I am sure it will be cancelled. As much rain as we have had so far, I will be suprised if they have it. The field is probably a pond right now.
Jess got invited to a volleyball camp by Luther college. The head coach actually wrote her a note on the camp flyer. I am not sure if she will go but it is kind of cool. She was also invited to a camp in Kearney, Nebraska. She would like to go to that one but I am not sure how we could handle it logistically.
So Drew has games today and Friday. Jess has games, Thursday, Friday and Saturday there is a softball tournament here in Perry. We will see what the rain does.
I ended up not taking any pictures this weekend. I really need to make that a priority.
Off to start Tuesday.