I was watching 60 minutes the other night and Andy Rooney was on, at the end, as usual. He was complaining about licence plates from around the country. Now don't get me wrong, Andy has been a great at social commentary over the years and has made me smile from time to time but, come on! Licence plates? That what he came up with this week? Give me a break.
I am not sure why I felt the need to put that in my post but there it is.
Friday has arrived like a long lost friend and I welcome it with open arms. The weather is going to be HOT! I think in the 80's and tomorrow dang near 90. Oh well, at least it is sunny.
So for all the Husker fans out there - If you want to see the Husker volleyball team play. Come to Iowa. Tickets for the Iowa State vs Nebraska, November 11th, cost $1. Yes, ONE DOLLAR! Season tickets for Iowa State volleyball cost $40.
Football Friday so the kids are excited about going to the game tonight. Jess has her 12th man shirt and they will rush home from practice, clean up and head right out. The high school kids tailgate in the parking lot across from the stadium. They set up big canopy tent things and BBQ and just have fun so it is kind of like a mini carnival atmosphere there before the game. HS football, you gotta love it.
Ten days until I turn 39. I have one more year to enjoy my 30's. Truthfully, I won't really care when I turn 40. I am not even sure what day of the week my birthday is on this year so that is how important stuff like that is to me.
Jess has a volleyball tournament tomorrow. She has to be at the gym by 6:30 and we have to be in Waukee, which is about 25 to 30 minutes away, by 8:30. The tournament is supposed to be over between 2 and 4. I guess it will depend on how well we do. I will take some pictures for the blog and find the damn cable to connect the camera to my computer.
Huskers have a big game this weekend. I hope they win and if they lose, I hope it is close. Sad to say it has come to that!
Go Big Red!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
It's not gluttony, I think I have an eating disorder
It is going to be a beautiful day today. The high is going to be 80. It will be sunny and nice. I think the weather is supposed to be good tomorrow as well but just a bit warmer. Not a bad way to head to the weekend.
The political machines continue to run here in Iowa. The presidential ads are on all the time, the candidates continue to visit and our news is always full of the latest political news.
Drew only has three more football practices this season. He has mixed emotions about it. He really likes football but he said he is looking forward to a break. Of course he told me that last night after he came back from a practice that they did a lot of conditioning. lol
Jess went to the Iowa State volleyball game with the HS volleyball team last night. They had fun. Iowa State won 3-0 so it was a short match. I think they played Kansas.
Tomorrow night we has a home football game and the weather is going to be nice. The kids love to go to the games. It's like a big party for them.
The leaves are starting to fall around here. I found out yesterday that the open burning is allowed from October 1 to sometime in November. I will be able to get my leaves burned as they fall now. I like the smell of burning leaves but dread the thought of raking and piling them up.
So each weekday morning. I get up at 5:00 and make coffee, let Molly out, get on the computer and surf the web a bit and post my blog. At 6:30, I get the kids up and start getting ready for work and then head out by 7:30. That first hour and a half from 5 to 6:30 is the fastest hour and a half of my day. It seems to fly by. It is kind of my quiet time that I have to myself and just start my day. I don't think I could face the day without my morning time.
I think Molly needs riddlin! Stupid wild dang dog. She is very affectionate but hyper and naughty. She has slowly gotten better but it has been SLOWLY! She is due to get her first haircut, I just need to get her in. She has all of her shots now so that is good. I have to admit though, she is good company in the morning. After she comes in from doing her business she lays beside me in the booth as I write the blog. She just lays there and sleeps and sometimes puts her head on my leg. Kind of sweet actually. (She's still naughtly sometimes)
Have a nice day!
The political machines continue to run here in Iowa. The presidential ads are on all the time, the candidates continue to visit and our news is always full of the latest political news.
Drew only has three more football practices this season. He has mixed emotions about it. He really likes football but he said he is looking forward to a break. Of course he told me that last night after he came back from a practice that they did a lot of conditioning. lol
Jess went to the Iowa State volleyball game with the HS volleyball team last night. They had fun. Iowa State won 3-0 so it was a short match. I think they played Kansas.
Tomorrow night we has a home football game and the weather is going to be nice. The kids love to go to the games. It's like a big party for them.
The leaves are starting to fall around here. I found out yesterday that the open burning is allowed from October 1 to sometime in November. I will be able to get my leaves burned as they fall now. I like the smell of burning leaves but dread the thought of raking and piling them up.
So each weekday morning. I get up at 5:00 and make coffee, let Molly out, get on the computer and surf the web a bit and post my blog. At 6:30, I get the kids up and start getting ready for work and then head out by 7:30. That first hour and a half from 5 to 6:30 is the fastest hour and a half of my day. It seems to fly by. It is kind of my quiet time that I have to myself and just start my day. I don't think I could face the day without my morning time.
I think Molly needs riddlin! Stupid wild dang dog. She is very affectionate but hyper and naughty. She has slowly gotten better but it has been SLOWLY! She is due to get her first haircut, I just need to get her in. She has all of her shots now so that is good. I have to admit though, she is good company in the morning. After she comes in from doing her business she lays beside me in the booth as I write the blog. She just lays there and sleeps and sometimes puts her head on my leg. Kind of sweet actually. (She's still naughtly sometimes)
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
That camel joke really cracks me up
It was a ugly day for sports. The 7th grade football team lost their first game 22-0. It was a bit unfortunate because the team they played didn't have enough for an A-team and a B-team so we had to mix our A-team with B-team and the combination was not good. Drew normally plays tight end and defensive end but with the combination of the team he didn't play defensive end. Once the other team scored a couple quick touchdowns they put the A-players in on defense. Drew was happy to say, the other team didn't score once he was in on defense.
The volleyball team got swept big. It was probably the worst loss I have seen this year. They lost the first game 25-8, second game 25-12 and third 25-18. At least it was close to these scores, I am not exactly sure but it was something like that. Jess played well, as a matter of fact, as the teams shook hands at the end of the game, both opposing coaches came up to Jess and shook her hand and said, "Great game number 5". They didn't do that to any other player so that made Jess feel good about her play even though they lost.
Jess did a nice job at the net. She had 5 or 6 blocks and a couple of them were really big. They hit it hard and she blocked it back down on them for the score. She also had some good kills and even got to play in the back row a bit.
They play in a JV tournament Saturday. They have to be at the gym here in Perry at 6:30 am. The first game is in Waukee at 8:30. They should do pretty well. There are four girls on JV that start or play a bunch on varsity. They play JV because we have such a young team.
Jess is going to the Iowa State volleyball game in Ames tonight. The team is going. I think they have some type of a deal because we don't have to pay for a ticket. She wishes they were playing the Huskers so she could see Pavin but I think they are playing Kansas. Let's hope the mascot leaves her alone this year.
Drew has one more football game this season. Tuesday of next week they play in Dallas Center. It is kind of a shame it is ending, he loves football so much.
I have some pictures to post but I can't find the damn USB cord that goes from the camera to the computer. I will post them when I get ahold of the cable.
Well, the weather is going to be good today. It is Wednesday so that means early out for school and chicken, chicken, cripito for lunch.
The volleyball team got swept big. It was probably the worst loss I have seen this year. They lost the first game 25-8, second game 25-12 and third 25-18. At least it was close to these scores, I am not exactly sure but it was something like that. Jess played well, as a matter of fact, as the teams shook hands at the end of the game, both opposing coaches came up to Jess and shook her hand and said, "Great game number 5". They didn't do that to any other player so that made Jess feel good about her play even though they lost.
Jess did a nice job at the net. She had 5 or 6 blocks and a couple of them were really big. They hit it hard and she blocked it back down on them for the score. She also had some good kills and even got to play in the back row a bit.
They play in a JV tournament Saturday. They have to be at the gym here in Perry at 6:30 am. The first game is in Waukee at 8:30. They should do pretty well. There are four girls on JV that start or play a bunch on varsity. They play JV because we have such a young team.
Jess is going to the Iowa State volleyball game in Ames tonight. The team is going. I think they have some type of a deal because we don't have to pay for a ticket. She wishes they were playing the Huskers so she could see Pavin but I think they are playing Kansas. Let's hope the mascot leaves her alone this year.
Drew has one more football game this season. Tuesday of next week they play in Dallas Center. It is kind of a shame it is ending, he loves football so much.
I have some pictures to post but I can't find the damn USB cord that goes from the camera to the computer. I will post them when I get ahold of the cable.
Well, the weather is going to be good today. It is Wednesday so that means early out for school and chicken, chicken, cripito for lunch.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
They say a camel can roam the desert for weeks without water
It looks like we may be getting some rain today. Drew has a game tonight and the timing of the rain seems to be coinciding with game time.
Last night I helped Nancy paint her house. They still have a bunch of work to do but we got a great deal done yesterday. The weather was great but these little black bugs were all over. The little bastards kept biting me and they seemed to be everywhere. I hadn't been that swarmed with bugs since I was in Alaska out in the field. Just thinking about it makes me start itching.
There is a documentary on IPTV Sunday abot Perry. It is called "A Little Salsa on the Prairie". It is about the latino migration to Perry and the change in industry with the meat packing plant and the impact on commerce, education, etc. It sounds kind of cool and I know some of the teachers are going to tape it. I would like to watch it but I don't think I have that channel on DirecTv. I guess I will borrow someones tape sometime.
Work has been going pretty well lately. I have a few little issues but things are so much better than they were. We have our big state report due Oct. 15 and once that is off, everything else gets a bit better.
Jess and Drew both have games tonight. I am not sure if I am going to go to Drew's game yet or not. It starts at 4:15 and in out of town so it is a push for me to be able to leave work early enough to see it.
I am going to take the digital camera to the game tonight so I can get some pictures of Jess playing for the blog. If I go to Drew's game I will get photos of him as well. I try to take pictures on my phone but they are not good.
I will leave you today with my favorite joke:
Two camels are walking in the desert and one turns to the other and says "I don't care what anybody says, I'm thirsty!"..........hahahahaha
Have a great day today!
Last night I helped Nancy paint her house. They still have a bunch of work to do but we got a great deal done yesterday. The weather was great but these little black bugs were all over. The little bastards kept biting me and they seemed to be everywhere. I hadn't been that swarmed with bugs since I was in Alaska out in the field. Just thinking about it makes me start itching.
There is a documentary on IPTV Sunday abot Perry. It is called "A Little Salsa on the Prairie". It is about the latino migration to Perry and the change in industry with the meat packing plant and the impact on commerce, education, etc. It sounds kind of cool and I know some of the teachers are going to tape it. I would like to watch it but I don't think I have that channel on DirecTv. I guess I will borrow someones tape sometime.
Work has been going pretty well lately. I have a few little issues but things are so much better than they were. We have our big state report due Oct. 15 and once that is off, everything else gets a bit better.
Jess and Drew both have games tonight. I am not sure if I am going to go to Drew's game yet or not. It starts at 4:15 and in out of town so it is a push for me to be able to leave work early enough to see it.
I am going to take the digital camera to the game tonight so I can get some pictures of Jess playing for the blog. If I go to Drew's game I will get photos of him as well. I try to take pictures on my phone but they are not good.
I will leave you today with my favorite joke:
Two camels are walking in the desert and one turns to the other and says "I don't care what anybody says, I'm thirsty!"..........hahahahaha
Have a great day today!
Monday, October 1, 2007
What is the latin word for "this sucks"?
I really hate Mondays!
Jess has a game tonight and a game tomorrow night. She is playing away tonight and at home tomorrow. Drew has a game tomorrow night away. There is a change of rain and severe weather tomorrow and I hope it holds off so Drew can get his game in. He really loves football and they only play 5 games in 7th grade so if this one gets rained out, it will be a shame.
The weekend went pretty well. Nancy painted their house so Friday night Jess, Drew and I helped a bit. Saturday Jess went to the Faith Fest and had a great time. Drew went to the birthday party and had a good time as well. The weekends seem to go so fast these days.
It has been pretty windy here lately. I'm not a big fan of the wind.
The leaves are starting to fall and that is a beginning of a Fall suckfest for me. I get sooo many leaves in my yard it take a lot of work to get it all cleaned up. I think I raked four times last year and the third time I had 18 leaf bags full of leaves! That was only one of the four times. In the past I have burned the leaves to get rid of them and it takes a couple of weekends at least and it is all day both weekend days to get them gone. It is much better if it is dry. Last year we has a frost and the leaves never really did dry out so the burning was difficult.
I found a new show on Discovery Channel that I like. It is called "The Truth About Food". It is a bunch of scientist and they do experiments on the effects of food on the human body. This weekend I learned:
Jess has a game tonight and a game tomorrow night. She is playing away tonight and at home tomorrow. Drew has a game tomorrow night away. There is a change of rain and severe weather tomorrow and I hope it holds off so Drew can get his game in. He really loves football and they only play 5 games in 7th grade so if this one gets rained out, it will be a shame.
The weekend went pretty well. Nancy painted their house so Friday night Jess, Drew and I helped a bit. Saturday Jess went to the Faith Fest and had a great time. Drew went to the birthday party and had a good time as well. The weekends seem to go so fast these days.
It has been pretty windy here lately. I'm not a big fan of the wind.
The leaves are starting to fall and that is a beginning of a Fall suckfest for me. I get sooo many leaves in my yard it take a lot of work to get it all cleaned up. I think I raked four times last year and the third time I had 18 leaf bags full of leaves! That was only one of the four times. In the past I have burned the leaves to get rid of them and it takes a couple of weekends at least and it is all day both weekend days to get them gone. It is much better if it is dry. Last year we has a frost and the leaves never really did dry out so the burning was difficult.
I found a new show on Discovery Channel that I like. It is called "The Truth About Food". It is a bunch of scientist and they do experiments on the effects of food on the human body. This weekend I learned:
- The"Detox Diet" is a sham and has no effect on the humand body.
- Eating small amounts of food throughout the day instead of three meals gives you more energy and makes your more productive.
- Eating oily fish such as salmon and tuna 4 times a week can really lower stress levels of the body.
- Cafeine only makes you productive if you are addicted to it. If you don't have any caffeine for a week, your productivity returns to the levels it was when you were on the caffeine highs. It takes a week without caffeine to "get clean". You will experience excruciating headaches during the withdrawl process.
There were some other ones but nothing that I want to go into here.
Other shows I watch on Discovery is Survivor Man, Man vs Wild, Dirty Jobs.
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