It is a bit refreshing to know I am done teaching for the week. Class went pretty well last night but the computers in the lab kept freezing up and what should have taken an hour, ended up taking closer to two. We didn't get as far as I would have liked but it was a pretty good night anyway.
DMACC requires me to have the students fill out a survey. It really is more of an evaluation of my instruction, the class, the presentations, etc. Last nights class really gave me good marks and made some very nice comments. I was going to just turn them in to the Provost but since they were so nice, I am going to make copies for me to keep before I give them to him. Little things in life make difference, ya know.
The weather here still stinks but it seems to be on a bit of a warmer trend. We will get to a high of 20 today and I think that is going to be the coldest day of the rest of the week. The weekend will get into the low 30's which seems awesome. What the hell kind of place am I living in when I am happy for 30's?
I have volunteered to be on the Adjunt instructor committe for DMACC. I am not really sure what the purpose of this committe is, I am sure they told me but I don't remember. It seems to me that this is a good opportunity to meet more people at DMACC and get myself a little bit more known so as opportunities arise, they might think of me.
My first meeting is the 5th of March, before my normal Wednesday class.
It is garbage day today. They haven't inacted the ridiculous "no gabage can" rule yet but I think that is scheduled to take effect next month.
I have a couple meeting schedule for today and a bunch of office work to get done. It is not the best way to end the week but it seems like today and tomorrow are going to be pretty busy.
I hope everyone is staying warm these days. I keep imagining Spring and thinking it can only get better outside. Time is on our side right? It can't stay cold forever.
I am sure it will only be a matter of time before I am complaining about the humidity.