The weather is wonderful! Yesterday was maybe the nicest day we have had in a long time and it going to continue for the rest of the week and through the weekend. How cool is that?
Class went well last night. It is a good group of kids. Three students missed class last night. I kind of figured I might have a few gone because it is homecoming week and they have the coronation for kind and queen last night at 8:00. Taylor Thompson was queen and it was a great choice. I coached her when she was little in softball. She is a great kid and her family is very nice. Her dad is a minister I think and she is a quiet, nice girl. It was kind of a shock that she won actually. Usually it goes to a party girl. It is nice to see her selected. I did not know the boy that won as king.
Both kids have games tonight. I wish I could be around for it but I will be in Des Moines teaching my little heart out. Livin the dream!
Work has been pretty good lately. It hasn't been hectic or crazy busy and it has given me a chance to work on things that have needed attention for a long time. I started to redesign the website and it turned out pretty good. I have a few more pages to do but all in all it is going well.
Molly got her rabies shot yesterday and she was very good. Well, she was very good with the exception of taking a big ol' number 2 in the vets office.
It will be good to get through the day today. Once I am past Tuesday, the rest of the week seems easy because I am home by 5 or so. The days get long when I don't get home until 10. 7:30 am to 10:00 pm is a long day for me.
Ok, I am off to start the day.