Trash day and the weather continues to impress.
I have a meeting this morning and then another meeting this afternoon with a vendor but I am going to cancel that one. I don't really have the time or the patience to listen to a vendor today.
So I get a call from the realtor in town last night and they need tech support for something in their offices. I really don't want to do it but I told her I would stop by today at 5. I honestly think I could work every night of the week if I wanted. I have been approached with a bunch of little job offers the last few weeks. I kind of feel like I just want people to leave me alone. I understand the need for help but I am stretched about as thin as I want to get right now.
Homecoming week continues. Tonight is the big bonfire. The game is tomorrow and so is the dance. It is a big week for the students.
Not much else to say today. Off to work!