Still crappy weather.
Jess got a call from the University of Northern Iowa last night. They want her to run track and play volleyball. It is a D1 school so she is going to schedule a visit.
She also talked to the University of Minnesota. No scholarship available the first year so they are off the table.
Class went well last night. They took a test and it seemed to go well.
We had over 100 kids home with the flu from the middle school yesterday. The H1N1 flu is really spreading through the district. I have the kids on vitamin C and regular vitamins.
So it is my birthday. I really don't have any plans. Jess has a volleyball match at Carslisle. I hate that town for two reasons. For one, I am really not sure how to spell it and am just too damn lazy to look it up. Towns that are so hard to spell that you have to look it, suck to begin with. The second reason is that it is a pain in the ass to drive to. It is on the other side of Des Moines, on the South East side, which is the exact opposite of Perry.
I also hate their gym so strike three.
Anyway, my birthday begins with crappy weather, a trip to Carl#!%$!? and it is trash day.
Well at least I am still alive.
Off to start