Weather sucks! It is cold and wet and has been this way for awhile. It looks like maybe this weekend it will warm up a bit.
The governor of the state of Iowa has declared a 10% across the board cut. To our district we will have to cut almost $900,000 out of this years budget. It is going to be bad.
Class went well last night but I had a killer headache and it was tough to get through. Tonight Jess has a volleyball tournament here in Perry. Tomorrow night I teach, Thursday volleyball away.
Friday I take Jess up to Iowa State for her official visit. She will spend the rest of the weekend with the track team and going to the Iowa State football game. I will pick her back up on Sunday.
Friday night, Drew has a football game in Saydel. He only has two games left and this is the last away game.
Two weeks left of volleyball and we are done with it forever. I think Jess will be sad when it is over but she hasn't really said much about it yet.
Homecoming last Friday went well. Both kids went to the dance and I think had a good time. We had a fireworks show at half time of the game and it was pretty cool. The booster club and senior class paid for the show.
I had insomnia last night and have been up since 3. Whatever!
Off to start.