The weather has been pretty good this week. Yesterday was really nice, almost hot but you won't hear any complaining from me. Just seeing the sun without a 30 a mile an hour wind is nice.
Drew had a baseball game Monday night. The got killed! The score was something like 18-3. It was rough. Drew played 1st base and had a base hit. He did a nice job but the pitching on the team is terrible. I think Drew is the best pitcher on the team. I hate it when he pitches. I just am stressed the whole time.
Jess has been practicing like crazy. Her big day is tomorrow. I am pretty nervous about it because I know she wants it so much. It will be rough if she doesn't win.
The sports guy from the radio interviewed her yesterday. The interview should be on the radio this morning.
Drew has a game tonight. Dawn is headed to that. Jess has team unity at our house tonight and I am making chicken Alfredo for the team. It is ten girls, all the state qualifiers and the alternates. I do this every year the night before they run. A good carb/protien meal for that good energy for the big races tomorrow.
I think I will leave work early, around 3 today to get everything ready. They need to eat by 5 because they have senior awards ceremony tonight at 6.
Ok, Off to start.