Well today is the big day! The state track meet will be an emotional one no matter the result. Jess seems excited but I can tell there is a bit of nervousness underneath her excitement.
Jenny is coming up so that will be fun. It will be good to see her and her family.
Drew had a baseball game last night. he pitched and did pretty well. They lost 6-3 so it wasn't too bad and he didn't give up many runs.
I have to go in early today. Nancy and I are proctoring a technology literacy test this morning. I hope it is done by 10. I really don't like doing this but we have to do it every year as part of the No Child Left Behind requirement.
I plan on heading up to the track meet around 2:30. Nancy is going up as well. She is taking one of the grandkids.
We had team unity at our house last night for the track girls going to state. I made chicken alfredo. It was good. I think the girls liked it.
I think the weather is going to be good for the meet today. I am looking forward to watching.
ok, off to start. Wish Jess luck! Results tomorrow.