The kids should be headed out for their vacation this morning. They spent the night at Gene and Marsha's and were supposed to head out around 5 this morning. I hope they have a good time.
The weather is still hot and humid but I think we are supposed to get some rain here over the next few days. I really don't care what the weather is like right now. I am inside with work and it just gives me an excuse not to mow if the rain comes down.
Last night was a bit odd for me. No kids, no dog. It was quiet. I actually spent most of the night on the computer getting ready for a training session I am putting of for Monday. I worked on the presentation material and the handouts.
I called the vet yesterday afternoon to check on Molly and she said everything went well. That was a relief. I will pick her up today. I wonder if she will have to wear one of those cone things for awhile.
Trash day and by now you all know how I feel about that. Normally, I am kind of glad when Thursday rolls around becuase the weekend is just around the corner. During the summer when I am working so much, it doesn't seem to matter what day it is. The only difference is the stuff on tv at night.
One of the parents of the girls on the softball team took a bunch of pictures this summer and then gave CD's to all the other parents. The pictures turned out really good, I will post some of them on the blog from time to time.