Weather is nice today. It was wonderful yesterday. 80's, nice breeze and no humidity. Today it is going to get hotter with more humidity coming in tonight.
The kids are getting ready for their vacaction. They are going with Dawn and her parents to someplace on the great lakes. I think it is like a resort type place but they are camping. I think both of the kids are really looking forward to it. There is a amusement park and beaches and an island that has go-carts, miniature golf and bumper boats. They leave on Thursday.
Work is still hectic. My plate overrunneth right now. So much to do and so little time to do it. At this point I start to think of things that can be put on the back burner and maybe not get done before school starts. Everything needs to get done but when you don't have the time you have to make choices of what will be the priority and what you just may have to bite the bullet on.
I was feeling pretty crappy this weekend. I wasn't so sick I couldn't do anything but I had a bad cold and was really tired the whole weekend. I just couldn't get enough sleep. Last night I was laying in bed and had a big dizzy spell. It was very wierd. I think it was the cold but dang, everything when blurry and it felt like the whole room spun. It only lasted a few seconds but it wasn't pleasant.
I do feel much better today. I think a little cold medicine and I should be good to go.
I think I may be playing golf tonight. One of the guys at work, he resigned this year to go back to being an EMT, is pretty fun and he wanted to go golfing last week. It didn't work out then so I think we are going tonight. The weather should be good so it should be fun.
No major events this week. Jess has weight lifting today and tomorrow and basketball practice Wednesday and that is it. Drew has weight lifting today and tomorrow and he is done. So things are winding down now and we are waiting for the surge of August to hit.
Here are a couple of summer pictures.
Jess at the pool with some friends:

Drew playing ball outside: