The rain held off yesterday and I hope we are as lucky today. The humidity is high right now and the air is really heavy. I fear the mosquito population will be huge this year because of all the moisture.
I read last year that Catnip is a very good mosquito repellent. If I give it a shot, I will let you know how it worked.
Yesterday Jess had softball practice from 9-11 and the volleyball practice from 11-1. Drew had baseball practice 6-8. Tonight Jess has a softball game here in Perry.
Nancy had the grandkids over last night and Angie (a sixth grade science teacher - she eats lunch with us on Fridays during the school year) brought her kids over and they all played in the cul-de-sac. Jess setup an obstacle course for them and they played in that for awhile then just rode scooters and played with sidewalk chalk. The cul-de-sac is a good place for the kids to run around. Very few cars and it is easy to keep an eye on them.
Once again, I should have taken some pictures. I am not sure what the hell is wrong with me that I always forget about taking pictures. I could have taken them on my phone so it's not like it was an issue of having to keep a camera around.
Our school administration center is moving to a new building this summer. This morning Nancy and I are meeting with the superintendent, the business office staff and someone from the city to do a walk-through of the new building. The city is purchasing the building and letting us use the second floor. The city offices/chamber of commerce will be on the third floor, the school admin offices will be on the second floor and the first floor will be conference rooms and a reception area.
I agreed to play in a golf tournament next Monday. A guy from work wants to play and I agreed. It is best ball so I can suck and it shouldn't matter. He recently cut his thumb and had to have surgery and is in a cast. He said he can still golf so I guess we will see. If I can't beat a guy in a cast, I am thowing my clubs away!
We have a guy at the country club that lost his hand, not sure how, but he has a hook. He golfs with that damn hook. Maybe we could get him on our team as well. How funny would that be. A guy with a cast and another with a hook and then me. All we need is a guy with an eye patch and I think the picture would be complete.
Ok, off to start my day.