It is Monday and the first day of summer break but it seems like every other Monday we have had over the last few months. Cloudy and rainy. Kind of a crappy way to start the week.
This weekend, the weather was perfect. The sun was shining it was warm and not humid.
Jess played in a softball tournament. I was outside in the sun for 10 hours. My face and arms got burned pretty good but seem fine today. They ended up losing two and winning one. Jess is slap bunting and it is really working well. I think she had about a .650 batting average for the day and that is very good.
Drew played a game yesterday. They won 13-12. He had two good hits and made a great play on first. They had runners on 2nd and 3rd. The batter hit the ball to short stop. The short stop threw it to Drew on 1st, he stretch for the catch and made the out, then came off the base and threw to home and got the out at home.
I tried to stay in the shade during his game.
Jess also played in a volleyball leage yesterday. They won both matches.
This week is going to be busy. Drew and Jess both have games tonight. Jess has games, Wed, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
We still have teachers around today and I have some meetings so I really don't count summer break starting until Wednesday, when everyone is gone.
I still have my cough and a bad voice. It is going on three weeks now. This sucks!
Off to start the day.