Friday comes with a flurry. A cold front and snow flurries that is. I really hate this snow but it appears to be the last hurrah for snow, at least for a bit. Today is going to be cold and wintery but the weekend and the start of next week is going to be much warmer. It would really be nice to have all the snow and ice melted. I dread the muddy mess Spring brings but I hate the cold and snow even more.
Jess leaves for Denver this morning. She is up and about and getting ready to head out. The bus leaves at 8:00 this morning. They need to be there by 7:45 to load up. It will be a pretty long trip for them. They are only stopping once and that is for lunch. There is a bathroom on board so they should be fine.
Drew has a basketball game tonight in Jefferson. I think we have to meet at the middle school at 5:45 to go up as a group. I am not sure where the game is. The sheet says the Jefferson recreation center and I have no clue where that is.
He also plays at 9 am tomorrow and then depending on how they have done the first two games will determine if they play more or not. If they lose both, they will be done.
Right now I have no plans for the weekend but at some point I plan on taking a nap. Yes, I know that is a pretty lame goal for the weekend but it is what it is. I WILL get a nap sometime this weekend.
I have a few meetings today, which really sucks because I make it a point to NOT schedule meetings on Fridays. This week I really didn't have a choice. Two of the three meetings I did not have an option to schedule.
We are getting a bit of flooding in the area as snow begins to melt. The ground is still frozen so the water just runs off into the rivers and streams. This result is flooding around those areas. I haven't heard of any flooding on the good ol' Racoon river here in Perry so that is good.
Have a great weekend. (I will be napping)