Friday, April 30, 2010

Spray on many questions

The weather has been pretty good this week. Sunny and at time breezy but overall pretty nice.

My last class of the semester went well Wednesday night. They took the final and I was home between 8:30 and 9:00. Monday will be the last class for the term.

Drew mowed the lawn for me Wednesday night. With track meets and teaching, it was impossible for me to get it done so he took care of it. He did a good job.

It seems like I have barely seen him this week. He doesn't go to the track meets because he has golf practice and has been in bed before I get home. Maybe I will take him out to dinner Saturday.

Saturday is Prom and Jess is pretty excited. The weather should be good so that helps.

We had a track meet last night. Jess won the long jump with a jump of 17 feet 1 inch. Her third attempt she scratched by just the tip of her shoe and the coach marked it and had them measure it. It would have been 17 feet 7 inches.

She won the 400 and set a new meet record with a time of 57.6 seconds. She won the 800 with a new school record and a new meet record with a time of 2:21. She told me after the 800 that she can run it faster.

We are supposed to have a track meet tonight at Ballard but it is supposed to rain and maybe some thunder so it is up in the air at this point.

I hope to get the yard cleaned up a bit this weekend and the weather seems to be in my favor. I guess we will see.

Ok, off to start.