Weather is less than desirable. We had golf ball sized hail last night. I was sleeping and all of the sudden the hail started to fall and it was very loud. It only lasted 5 minutes or so. I am not sure if there is damage anywhere but the yard has a bunch of branches and debris laying around.
Class went well last night. I got done around nine so I was able to come home and watch the end of the basketball game between Duke and Butler. It was a good game.
Jess is supposed to have a track meet today at PCM but it will depend on the weather. I am half hoping we don't have it. This meet is very long and it is over an hour away. I think there are 32 teams and it takes forever.
Drew got hit with a golf ball yesterday on the course. He was on the last hole with his foursome and he was standing on one side of the fairway a bit ahead of two of the players. One of them hit their ball and it sliced hard and low. They yelled at him and he turned. The ball hit him in the shin. It is a big ol' knot. I guess he earned a life lesson on that one.
Work is going well.
Off to start.