Monday and it is a repeat of so many weeks that we have had this winter. Snow yesterday, more snow today and blowing winds tomorrow. It looks like we are going to get another 5 to 7 inches of snow total with strong winds all day tomorrow.
Drew's team won on Thursday and lost on Saturday. He has been playing well. He doesn't score much but he really does a nice job on defense and makes good passes. They game was close on Saturday until he got his fourth foul. When he came out, the other team pulled ahead.
Jess' team won on Friday. She had a good game. She scored 27 points and played very well all around. She has games Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week. Thursday is senior night. The last home game for the goose.
I teach tonight and really hope it doesn't get canceled because of weather. It is truly getting ridiculous how much school we have missed because of weather.
I really need to exercise and lose weight. I am getting sluggish and I feel tired most of the time. It has been tough with this weather and the busy schedule to get motivated to do much but I need to figure a way to get a little exercise. Ideally, it would be nice to be able to take the dogs for walks but the snow and weather have been a bit prohibitive.
Ok, I need to get moving as Monday morning, like all other mornings, waits for no one.
Off to start.