It is cold as hell but it is supposed to get into the upper twenties by the weekend.
Class went well last night. I have one girl with a little attitude but I don't take any crap from her. It is interesting to get a group of twenty people together in that environment and the range of personalities and mannerisms could really be a case study.
Trash day so the ladies will have to wear tights under their dresses. Bundle up ladies! I hope they freeze their butts off.
So I saw on TV that a killer whale in Orlando lived up to its name. Are killer whales good eats?
If you don't know who Elizabeth Warren is, you should. She should be put in charge of something with power behind it.
There is this Comfort Suites commercial that cracks me up. It has a guy on a business trip with a little battery meter above his head and as he goes through the day, the battery gets lower and goes from green to red. I totally feel like that guy some days.
I believe I have rambled on in about 5 directions in this post. Very random thoughts and a bit strange but it kind of feels like a brain dump. I just unload stuff on my mind on this page.
Maybe my whole day will be like this. Random.
Off to see.