The weather is a bit interesting this morning. It is kind of rain but so close to ice that when it hits the ground it becomes ice. Not hail at all, kind of rain with ice crystals in it and it just freezes the second it hits the ground. It is very, very icy out and they have canceled school for today.
I hope they cancel my DMACC classes tonight. I really don't want to have to drive on icy roads. Even if it gets warm enough to not be icy before class, I would imagine at 10:00 at night, it will get cold and freeze all of the wet on the roads. The trip back could be unpleasant.
Jess had a game last night and they lost. She scored 14 but the guards were shooting a bunch and can't hit the broad side of a barn. We will lose every game we have left if we keep trying to win by shooting outside. It is the coaches fault.
Drew was supposed to have practice this morning but he gets to sleep in because of school being canceled. I wouldn't be surprised if we have a late start tomorrow.
I had a meeting and lunch with the superintendent yesteray. I thought it would be awkward just the two of us but it turned out to be pretty good. It was a nice talk and I am glad I did it.
Not a whole lot on the agenda today. I have some office work and think I might swap out one of my desktop computers to put a Windows 7 machine in. The trick is going to be getting to work. I think it might be best to walk over. Nancy and I will have to help each other so we don't wipe out on the ice.
I heard yesterday that there is a prediction for 20 more inches of snow in February. UGH!
Ok, off to start.