I can't remember the last time I experienced a true blizzard but the last couple of days have been the real deal.
We have around 16 inches of snow but wind with gusts up to 50 mph has created drifts 10 feet tall and it was literally impossible to get out with a car yesterday.
Nancy and I walked to work and it was an adventure. We actually came home early because we weren't sure we would be able to get through the drifts.
Last night after the wind died down, I use the snow blower to get the driveway and sidewalks cleared. I also blew a path to the school so it should be an easy walk over this morning.
School was canceled yesterday and today. I wonder if we will even have it tomorrow. There is a lot to get cleaned up.
The kids are just hanging out at home, there isn't much else they can do.
I will take some pictures today and get them posted.
Off to start.