Tuesday and the weather is good. It is going to be nice all week and through the weekend.
Class went well last night. The students did their team projects and they all did a pretty good job.
We are in between seasons right now so there really aren't any activities to talk about. Jess has her first basketball game in two weeks and Drew will follow the week after.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving. It is going to be a good break.
This weekend the kids are doing an FCA lock-in. It is a group thing where they play games and watch movies. Kind of like an after-prom party without the prom.
Drew is really enjoying FCA. I am glad he is involved in it. It has been a good experience for both kids.
Work is the same. Nothing new to speak of right now. We are waiting for the Superintendent to make the call on the cuts and tell us when we are going to lose people. Everyone is still laying low to avoid the spotlight.
Not much else. The drum beat of life continue.
Off to start