Rainy and chilly and it looks to be that way through Friday.
Both kids were home sick yesterday. They don't have the H1N1 stuff but had headaches, sore throats and upset stomachs. I think they day at home sleeping helped. They should be back in action today.
Class went well last night. They are working on a team project so they were busy beavers doing research and getting ready for the presentation due next week.
I meet with the Superintendent this morning to discuss budget cuts and how it relates to my department. I am not really looking forward to that but you do what you have to.
Tonight Jess has two volleyball matches. We go to Boone to play Boone and Indianola. We play back to back matches so it should at least be as quick as possible.
Not much else going on. It is busy here and it seems like I am rarely home but it will eventually calm down.
Off to start.