The weather is still very nice. Sunny and cool. I think the high is going to be 75 today. It really is nice to sit outside in the evenings.
Drew is still having trouble with his heel. He came home from practice last night and was limping pretty bad. I had him ice it and he needs to remember to take Aleve twice a day like the doctor told him to. He forgot in the morning.
I think the wrap is helping but it is still painful when he has to do a lot of running.
Work is hectic right now. We have some problems with our Vista computers and are going to have to format and bring back down to WindowsXP. The service pack 2 for Vista made the computers run like crap and they are all but unusable right now. All hands on deck in the department and I think it is going to take about a week.
Tonight I teach at DMACC. I have everything set and hope it goes well. I saw on my class list that I had a student add since the first night. I hate it when students add late because they miss so much. Missing just one class when it lasts four hours is a lot of time to miss.
This week is a busy one and there is so much to do. I tend to get tied up with meetings and trainings and other "non-tech" stuff. This puts a heavy burden on Nancy to get things done and she is busy enough as is. Getting the computers done will really help relieve the pressure.
Tomorrow Jess has her first official volleyball tournament of the season. It starts at 4:30 in Adel and goes until 9:30ish. Friday Drew has a football game in Norwalk.
I think the weather is going to be good this weekend and I am looking forward to the little break.
I hope everything is going well back in the Husker state.
Off to start.