A bit wet today and the temps are going to be cool this week. All highs are below 70 for the next 7 days.
It will be a pretty busy week this week. Today, I teach class, Jess has underclass awards (plus she has to come and take a test in my class when she is done with the awards thing) and Drew has a football game at Ballard.
Tomorrow Jess has a volleyball match at Carroll. Wednesday I teach, Thursday volleyball here in Perry, Friday football here in Perry, and Saturday a volleyball tournament in Des Moines.
Work has been busy and it is going to be busy again this week. I haven't scheduled any meetings because I don't think I will have any time for them.
Last night I watched two movies while grading papers. Borat (Sucked, don't watch it), and Wanted (Angelina Jolee) pretty good, probably 3 out of 5 stars on the Rich-ter Scale.
Ok, off to start.