Monday and the weather is still nice. I am not sure what the deal is but I am not complaining.
Busy day today at work and I teach class tonight.
The weekend was ok. The boys got beat by Boone in football but it was very close. We were on the 1 yard line with 2 seconds left and it was fourth down. We got stuffed at the one and the game ended with Boone winning by 7.
This week will be another busy one. I teach tonight. Tomorrow, Jess has a volleyball match at Ballard (Huxley). Wednesday I teach. Thursday, volleyball here and Friday, Drew has football in Carrol.
I think the weather is going to be nice the whole week so that is good.
We are puppy sitting Mylee's sister, Sidney. We have two little puppies running around. It is pretty cute.
Ok, off to start.