Middle of the week and the weather is still pretty good.
Yesterday went well. The new teachers are young, they tend to seem younger every year, but that makes things easier for me. The younger teachers have used all the technology we have before so it is an easy transition for them.
We have a bunch of computers to run up and get going but that shouldn't be too bad. The big problem we have is once the new staff return, they need things. They can't print, or can't logon or whatever. We just don't have the time or manpower right now to handle those little things. It makes things rough.
Today we will go to my favorite building...NOT..the elementary and do a little work over there. Then it is off to the lab to work on 50 or so computers. whoo-hoo!
Jess has senior pictures today. Drew is still doing the 2-a-day thing. He is grouchy after the first practice but not too bad after the second. I remember the thought of getting done with one and knowing you had to go back later in the day and do it again. 2-a-days suck!
One of the girls on the volleyball team got busted for drinking. She is suspended for 2 weeks. She was one of the setters so it isn't good.
So I was looking at my class list for DMACC today and I have 10 students in my Wednesday night class. As I was looking through the list I saw a familiar name. UGH! One of the students that I failed last semester is back. I hate it when that happens. She rarely came and was not that solid to begin with.
There are several technology instructors and I kind of wish, if you fail one, then you go to another one for the next try. I guess it is either a compliment that she came back to my class even though I failed her or my class was the only one that she could work into her schedule. I hope she does well this term. I absolutely hate to fail students.
I had a dream last night that I forgot about class and it was 5:30 on the 26th (My first day of class) and I was sitting at home in my shorts and t-shirt watching the tv. The news came on and said it was August 26th. I freaked, looked at the clock got changed and was heading out the door. Of course I couldn't find my shoes and was in a panic. I woke up and was very glad it was a dream.
Ok, enough rambling for the day. I feel a bit chatty.
Off to start.