It is another nice day. Three in a row. whoo-hoo!
Class went well last night but I had a terrible headache. I am not sure what the deal was but I struggled with the headache all day and then last night while I was teaching it started killing me again.
Teaching is a real drag when your head has a butcher knife in it.
Trash day today so the ladies get good weather to prance around in their Sunday dresses.
Jess has a track meet today. It is here in Perry and she is running against a very good runner from North Polk. The girl does the same events as Jess and has a little bit better times. Currently, in the state of Iowa, all classes, the girl from North Polk is ranked #2 and Jess is ranked #4 in the 400. Jess' best time is 58.5, North Polk girl's best time 58.3. It should be a good race.
The also both do long jump. The North Polk girl should win that one. They both run the 800 and once again the North Polk girl should win. They also both run the Sprint Med relay, we should win that one. I am hoping for a split. We win the 400 and the Sprint med. She wins the long jump and 800. I think Jess can beat her in the 800 but she will have to be mentally strong.
I guess we will see.
No meetings planned for the day and nothing for the rest of the week.
Off to start.