It is good to be to the end of the week. It has been a long and drudging kind of week that I felt like I have been walking across a muddy field trying to get to the other side. Each step was a struggle.
The weather is rainy and will be for the next week. At least it is going to be in the upper 40's and 50's. It is also the first day of spring.
Jess made it to Denver. She has been sending me text messages and pictures from her phone. I don't have texting on my phone but I can receive and send them through email.
Drew and I hung out last night and played a little basketball. He is feeling full of energy lately so I need to harness it and keep him active.
I don't have any meeting scheduled for today and just a few loose ends to tie up so I am hoping it will be a nice and easy day at work.
Still headache free so that is good. I can't believe how miserable I felt when my head was hurting. I literally thank God everyday that I wake up without that pain.
I am going to do something fun with Drew this weekend but I am not sure what yet. I thought about a movie or take him out to eat but I am going to try to think of an activity that he would enjoy. If it were baseball season I would take him to an ICubs game but they haven't started up yet. I will try to think of something.
Ok, the weekend is on the horizon so I am off to greet it.