One more day of cold weather before we get a little warm-up. I need SPRING!!!!
Class went ok last night. I have computer issues so had to cut class a little short. Not a big deal but it would have been nice to get started on a new unit.
Jess had her basketball pot-luck last night. She was selected 2nd team All-Conference. It is a good thing because we really have a strong conference with a lot of really good players. It was great for her to make the second team. Her coach told her it should have been first and would take her over any of the other players on 1st team but I think she deserved 2nd team. It was good for her.
Drew is working on TSA and the next competition. I think there is one on Friday. He is going to do the remote control car competition.
We are getting further on our virtual reality lab. Today, the guys from Rockwell Collins are coming down to put demo software on our system so we can actually see things in 3-D or a virtual reality demo. It should be cool.
I have the night off, WHOO-HOO!! I have learned to cherish the evenings that I have free.
Jess had her first official track practice of the season yesterday. She is sore.
Not much else going on. I feel like I need a vacation but who doesn't?
Off to start.