It is going to be kind of an icky day today. Ice/sleet type of moisture. The good news is, I have the evening free.
Class went well last night. I got out around 9:20, which was pretty good. I am not really looking forward to the Friday/Saturday thing but I am sure it will be fine once I get going.
I have a training session this morning from 8 to around 11:30 and then the rest of the day is open.
We interviewed the second Superintendent candidate yesterday. She was ok. I would say it is kind of a toss up between the two candidates but if I had to select one, it would be the guy from yesterday. I think he is a bit stronger.
I am not sure what the school board did last night. They had the final interview and I have no idea if they hired someone or if they are going to do it today. I know there is always a bit of discussion about the compensation package, etc. but I should be a done deal by the end of the week.
I didn't really see the kids last night so I have no idea how things were for them yesterday. Jess has track and then volleyball practice tonight and a volleyball tournament in Boone, Saturday.
Ok, off to start.