Thursday, February 12, 2009

I wish we could automate garbage pickup....

We are going to get a bit of snow tomorrow but today looks ok.

The postal service is raising the price of stamps again. Will we eventually see a day when a stamp costs a dollar?

Class went ok last night. I gave them a test and it took a few of them the entire 4 hours. What gives with that? The final test has the test they took last night and it is only 1/4 of the test. I am not sure what I am going to do with the group. I was planning on the test taking a couple hours at most. I guess I better think up, Plan B.

I didn't see the kids last night so I have no idea how their day was yesterday. I didn't get home until a little before 11 and they were both in bed.

Jess has a game tonight and it is a boys/girls game so the girls play at 6 and then the boys play after. The coach told the girls last night that if they don't win, they shouldn't count on watching the boys game because he is going to make them practice during it.

I hate to tell him, all the practice in the world won't help if he lets one of the weakest players on the team, shoot the ball 80% of the time.

We don't have school tomorrow. It is a conference make-up day. The teachers work two evenings for conferences totaling about 8 hours so they get a day off to make up for it. Tomorrow is that day.

Jess has a volleyball tournament in Minneapolis this weekend as well but she has basketball practice Saturday morning. She will probably miss all the matches that day but should be good to go Sunday.

Her knee is getting better. I think it still bothers her a little but not enough to complain about. If it was bothering her, I wouldn't have her play volleyball this weekend.

Not much else worth mentioning today. Two meetings at work and then the rest of the week is open.

The ladies should be around to pick up my trash today. Filthy bastards!