We had a bit of a warm-up this weekend. It was in the 30's so some of the snow melted and we can see some cement. What a nice change that is.
I am not sure what the weather is going to be like this week but I hope it stays warm.
Friday night the girls lost their basketball game. The team played like crap and the other team couldn't miss a shot. Jess had 16 and was the only one to have double digits but she probably should have had 30. She missed 6 or 7 free throws and a few shots she should have made and normally does.
I was talking to the boys coach last night and he said the other teams school allows them to practice on snow days. We can't do that here so we hadn't practiced in a week and they were practicing every day.
I have a couple meetings today but since it is MLK day, DMACC is closed and I don't teach class tonight.
I got a notice that I have a certified letter to pick up at the post office from my tenants. That can't be good. I wasn't home Saturday when they tried to drop it off so I will stop and the post office this morning and see what the hell.
I have Drew's parent teacher conference this morning at 7:30 so I have to go in a little bit early this morning. (Nancy - if you are reading this, I will stop by around 7:20.)
Ok, off to start the adventure.