Winter is still sucky. Cold and more cold with snow mixed every few days...repeat. That has been this winter in a nutshell.
Jess has a game tonight at Winterset. I think it is about 45 minutes away so I will have to leave right from work.
Class went well last night. We went through the material for the day and we got done early. I thought I was missing something but for the life of me I couldn't remember what. After everyone left and I was packing up my stuff to go home, it hit me. THE PRE-TEST!! I forgot to give them the pre-test. Oh well! Next week.
I have a couple meetings today. Nothing big.
Jess' basketball coach and one of the assistant coaches pulled he aside last night at practice and told her they really think she should play on the all-star team. They told her they would help her fund raise. One of the assistant coaches, Cassie Hagar, play Division 1 Basketball at UNI and had a chance to play in the WNBA said she played in it when she was in high school and it was great and an extraordinary opportunity. They fund raised for her and she had the whole trip paid for with the money they raised.
I am not sure what we are going to do.
The University of Minnesota is really sending Jess a lot of stuff for track. I bet she gets a letter every other week.
Drew has early morning practice so I am off to take him.
I'm out!