Well it is snowing outside and it is cold. WINTER!!!grrrr
I finished my last class in Des Moines for the semester....Whooo-hoooo!!!!
Monday night will be my last class here in Perry. It is good to be almost done.
Jess had a game last night. They won so the team is 3-1 so far this year which is much better than last year. They only won 1 game the whole season.
When Jess got home she was limping. In the last 20 seconds of the game, she drove to the basket and when she went up for the shot, a girl kneed her in the thigh, slapper her in the face and threw her to the ground. Jess said she just laid there for a minute or so trying not to cry. She'll be fine.
Drew had a game on Monday night and they won as well. We don't have any games for the rest of the week. Drew has one next Monday and Jess has one Tuesday.
Not much going on. It is cold and snowy. Work is busy and people are the way they always are. Just part of life I guess.
Christmas break is just a few weeks away and it will be good to have the building empty so I can get some server maintenance done.
I have to get in touch with everyone to find out the details for Christmas this year. We are having it at Jenny's. I have no clue where she lives but it will be nice to see her place. I hope the weather holds up.
Off to start!