It is cold as heck today. I think yesterday had a high of -1 and today is going to get to a few degrees above zero. The wind is blowing like crazy and this sucks!
Christmas at Jenny's was fun. They had soup and sandwiches for lunch and they were very good. The presents were nice and I think everyone had a good time. Anthony had a game and Jess went with Angie and Dale to watch. It ended up going into overtime and Anthony's team won with a half court shot as time expired.
The trip to Lincoln was bad. The snow was blowing the wind was bad, the roads were icy and it was snowing. We had a lot of issues until we got past Omaha. The weather was fine on the way home.
Nancy took care of Molly while we were away. She gave Molly a bath and lots of love. She also put a Christmas ribbon around her neck. It was cute.
Sunday I took a small nap and woke up with the worst headache I have had in a long time. It was KILLING ME! I ended up going to bed around 7 pm and I think the headache went away around midnight. I hate headaches.
I have a few vendors coming in to do work at the school today. I also have some work of my own to do. It is going to be cold as can be and I don't want to spend much time outside
Jess gets her wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. She has oral surgery, they are putting her under and cutting them out around 10. I hope she recovers quickly.
Christmas is just a few days away.
Off to start.