The weekend was awesome! Temps in the 70's both days and Sunday we had a high of 74.
I burned leaves Saturday and Sunday and made the kids help. They weren't too big on it but it was a very good thing to have done. I kind of like burning leaves. The leaves were dry so they burned really fast.
It looks like the weather is going to be good the next couple of days. Tuesday is election day so we will see how that goes. So many crazies out there that vote you just never know what could happen.
Drew has early morning practices for basketball this week. He needs to be at the school by 6:15 so he is getting up now and getting ready. He likes the morning practices because it gives him his after school time free.
Jess has "open gym" this week, which is really basketball practice but they aren't officially practicing.
This weekend we will have the club volleyball tryouts in Ankeny. I hope she makes the team again this year. She will be very dissapointed if she doesn't.
Nancy is going to be out of the office today. Dave has kidney stones so they have to go blast them out.
I teach tonight and tomorrow but the end is in sight.
Off to start.