Really cold today. Low 20's this morning.
The volleyball team lost last night so the season comes to an end. I think Jess was a little disappointed even though they really weren't expecting to win.
Drew had his first basketball practice yesterday and they did a bunch of conditioning. That is good for him.
Class went pretty well last night. I gave them a test and actually gave them one of the problems that we didn't cover in class. I will be generous when I grade it but it did take some of them over 2 hours to complete it. I think they were freaking out a bit.
Daylight savings is coming up. I am not looking forward to it. It seems that winter is rushing upon us and the fall really never came. Well, maybe we had one or two days that were fall like. Other than that it has been wet, cold, windy and relatively miserable.
One meeting today and class tonight. I am giving another test. It is getting close to the end of the term so we have a test almost every week.
Gas prices here in Iowa are $1.99 a gallon. That is the lowest it has been in a long time. I am going to fill up today. I hope the lower prices stick around. The dang oil companies are cutting production to try to up the prices. Go figure.
Off to start.