Class went OK last night. I had to walk home in the pouring rain but that was kind of par for the course as far as my day went.
Today more clouds and rain. Monday and Tuesday are my least favorite days and when the weather is gloomy, it doesn't help.
Drew's football team lost yesterday. He was in bed asleep when I got home so I haven't really had a chance to talk to him. He had to run a mile in PE yesterday. I think he ran it in 9 minutes or something around that.
Jess' team also lost. She said they played the worst they have played all season. The coach told Jess the loss was on her. She is supposed to carry the team and if she can't perform then they will lose. She also told her that if she gets down during a match, the whole team crumbles because they look to her for leadership. If they see her down, they follow suit.
Needless to say, Jess cried after everyone left the locker room. She was fine when I got home and is just doing what she can. With 5 seniors on that team it is a bit unfair to lay the team success in her lap. Pretty awesome when a coach hangs losses on a player and doesn't take any responsibility themselves.
Tonight they go to Winterset to play the number 2 ranked team in the state. I wish I could go and be there for her but I have to teach.
My office chair in my office broke. I am now sitting in a ridiculous low back office chair. I feel silly and it is not comfortable. I am all out of sorts but Nancy ordered new chairs yesterday so I hope it gets here by the end of the week or early next week.
Oh! The dishwasher is broken. I am not sure what the issue is but won't get a good chance to look at it until Wed.
Ok, Tuesday is here and I am off to start the day.